Is Glenn Beck’s Message based on Mormon prophecy?
Large numbers of Mormons watch Beck, but likely an even larger number of his viewers and radio listeners are evangelical Protestants who have no idea that Beck is preaching to them an obscure prophecy of the Latter-day Saints In one of his first appearances on Fox News, Glenn Beck sent a coded message to the... Continue Reading
Christianity Today and Al Mohler: A Long Profile in the Wrong Direction
If CT is known for one thing it’s their penchant for writing favorable reviews of most everyone under the broad label “evangelical.” So why such a condescending piece on one of evangelicalism’s most well-known leaders? Albert Mohler certainly doesn’t need me to defend him, and Christianity Today, the flagship magazine of evangelicalism, certainly doesn’t have... Continue Reading
Waiting For Superman: A Nation Still At Risk
This week, another super documentary hit the theaters. It is called Waiting for Superman. Hoping to entertain, instruct and move to action, Oscar winner David Guggenheim (who also filmed An Inconvenient Truth) is rightly alarmed about many of our public schools. Our nation’s school system was once the envy of the world. Now it is... Continue Reading
Between the Boy and the Bridge — A Haunting Question
I am haunted by the one question that seems so obvious and clear in the account of Tyler Clementi’s tragic death. In those days of crushing anguish, humiliation, and confusion, was there no one who could have stood between that boy and that bridge? By all accounts Tyler Clementi was an 18-year-old young man who... Continue Reading
Our Ambivalence Toward ‘Medical Progress’
Yes, lives are saved and improved through medical research. But if you are look carefully, you may see that many more lives have been sacrificed for the same reason. As you are no doubt aware, the pioneer of in vitro fertilization has just been awarded the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine. Robert G. Edwards... Continue Reading
“TEC is Doomed. Fulfilling 20/20 Vision Impossible” according to Episcopal leader in Dallas
The Episcopal Church now claims to have 2.3 million baptized members, an average Sunday attendance of 680,000 in some 7,000 parishes. The average age of an Episcopalian is in the mid Sixties with the average congregation size at slightly less than 70. The Dean of the flagship cathedral of St. Matthew’s, Dallas, the Very Rev.... Continue Reading
Gospel Tweets – “God has hardwired me for 140 characters”
Twitter challenges me to communicate the gospel in concise ways–in short sentences. About 8 months ago the media guys at Coral Ridge dragged me kicking and screaming into twitter world. I had no interest whatsoever in adding one more thing to my life. But since that time, I’ve come to love it. I’ve even been... Continue Reading
The PCA’s New Dilemma about Deacons (II)
I want to counter and challenge some of the unbiblical thinking in the PCA surrounding the nature and notion of office in general, and concerning the office of deacon in particular… When Presbyterians Don’t Understand Being Presbyterian One might think that after being in existence for over three decades the PCA might have some inkling... Continue Reading
Marks of the true Church – Is Love Number 4?
No one ever wrote a children’s song that said, “They will know we are Christians by our every-second-Sunday-of-the-month Lord’s Supper, 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.” I suppose every body of believers that hangs their shingle out has to decide pretty soon exactly who they are. There may be a fair amount of wiggle room for... Continue Reading
Well-Known Pastor Mark Driscoll: “Pastors, Don’t Sacrifice Your Family for Church Planting”
There is a crisis in the church planting community. Many pastors have a horrible marriage and families are falling apart, said Mark Driscoll of Seattle megachurch Mars Hill on Thursday. Not one to mince his words, Driscoll spoke explicitly of how the wives of church planters are at least as likely to betray the marriage... Continue Reading