Science Trumps the Bible? — An Amazingly Candid (and Disastrous) Argument
Professor Giberson asserts that to believe in the truthfulness and historicity of the entire Bible is to paddle in an “intellectual backwater.” Christians committed to biblical authority should ponder that statement deeply, even as they keep paddling. The folks at BioLogos continue with a fierce intensity to press their case for theistic evolution. In so... Continue Reading
The Gospel Everyday – All good theology is an exposition of the gospel.
In other words, how does the finished work of Christ satisfy my deepest daily needs so that I can experience the liberating power of the gospel every day and in every way? I once assumed the gospel was simply what non-Christians must believe in order to be saved, while afterward we advance to deeper theological... Continue Reading
Bringing the Reformation to Protestantism
The actual Gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ has, through His life, death, and resurrection, atoned for the sins of the world. The Protestantism that has drifted away from this Gospel is in need of Reformation. The original Reformation, whose anniversary we mark on October 31, began in 1517 as an attempt to... Continue Reading
On “Dupes” and the Religious Left (Part 2)
Q…you say there were duped liberals who eventually “came to see the light,” and switched and repented. A. Another was a Hollywood liberal named Ronald Reagan, whose pastor alerted him to the menace of atheistic communism This is the second in a series of interviews with Dr. Paul Kengor, professor of political science and executive... Continue Reading
Luther’s 95 Theses: An Interview with Carl Trueman
What was the point of nailing something to the Wittenberg door? Was this a common practice?
“Luther was certainly not intending to split the church at this point or precipitate the Holy Roman Empire and the Papacy into conflict and crisis. He was simply trying to address a deep pastoral concern.” What happened on October 31, 1517? It was on this day (a Saturday) that a 33-year-old theology professor at Wittenberg... Continue Reading
The Beauty of Biblical Justice – Isaiah 58 on the importance and meaning of justice
“A deep social conscience, and a life poured out in service to others, especially the poor, is the inevitable sign of real faith, and justice is the grand symptom of a real relationship with God.” Isaiah 58 tells us about the importance of justice, the meaning of justice, and how to become people who do... Continue Reading
Why is it Always the Pastor’s Fault?
When it comes to church health and life, why is it always the pastor’s fault when things don’t go well at church? Pastors are constantly told that the church rises no higher than its leadership. This is partly true – bad leadership, bad church; good leadership, good church. But this can also be true: good... Continue Reading
The PCA’s New Dilemma about Deacons (IV)
What this means for the Presbyterian and Reformed world is that the current phenomenon of “commissioning” female and male deacons instead of ordaining the males, is of very recent vintage. In fact, one could scour Reformed Church history and not find an instance. Do Deacons Exercise Any Authority? Just how far back does the history... Continue Reading
Report from Cape Town 2010: “The Partnership Century” – A New Era of World-Wide Missions
We live in an age when we can modify the motto of Lausanne so that it reads—the whole gospel to the whole world by the new world missionary force. In the mid 20th century, a growing shadow darkened the continent of Europe. It was the darkness of a totalitarian Third Reich. Area after area was... Continue Reading
How Far Should Forgiveness Go? – Seventy times seven? I can barely forgive some corrupt clergy once.
“There is no deeper pathos in the spiritual life of man than the cruelty of righteous people. If any one idea dominates the teachings of Jesus, it is his opposition to the self-righteousness of the righteous” – Reinhold Neibuhr “Forgiving love is a possibility only for those who know that they are not good, who... Continue Reading