By Faith, Not Fear – three areas that we should take seriously as we seek to prepare our young people for life in the real world
“Lions and tigers and bears, O my!” That’s not only one of the more memorable lines from cinematic history, it’s one of the more recognizable themes in contemporary discipleship. Sometimes fear of the enemies to our faith seems much more pronounced than faith in the object of our faith — the Lord Jesus Christ. We... Continue Reading
Moderate Baptists in Virginia flunk U.S. history
In a move of stunning ignorance, the Baptist General Association of Virginia recently adopted a resolution taking a back-handed slap at the Texas State Board of Education’s vote this year to restore accurate teaching of separation of church and state to social studies curriculum. For sake of reference, read the offensive language from Texas for... Continue Reading
Think Again – experience needs to be tested, evaluated, and even critiqued by revelation and reason
For example, a well-loved hymn written in 1933 enshrined this subjective sort of knowing when its chorus proclaims regarding Jesus: “You ask me how I know he lives, He lives within my heart!” How do I know? I just know. Having been unceremoniously tossed out of his English boarding school, Patrick Leigh Fermor thrashed about... Continue Reading
The Glory of God and the Life of the Mind – the need for a more comprehensive understanding of the Christian worldview
There is nothing distinctively Christian about having a worldview. The very process of intellectual activity requires some framework, and no idea is independent of prior assumptions. This is true for all human beings. To be human is to think, and to think is to operate within a worldview. Every individual operates out of a basic... Continue Reading
Be Prepared – knowing how to avoid worldview collisions that may be disastrous
The most significant barometer for choosing any kind of institution of higher learning is not the beauty of its campus but its faculty. Never argue with the man with the microphone. On several occasions, I’ve been invited to appear on radio or television programs for interviews by controversial hosts. For the most part, I have... Continue Reading
Albertus Pieters, C. I. Scofield and “Homiletical Certainty”
Dr. Scofield in this was acting the part of an intellectual charlatan, a fraud who pretends to knowledge which he does not possess; like a quack doctor, who is ready with a confident diagnosis in many cases where a competent physician is unable to decide. Recently, I read a fascinating review of the 1917 Scofield... Continue Reading
What is Reformed Experimental Preaching?
Do you understand what is meant by the term experimental or experiential? The term comes from the Latin word ‘experimentum’, derived from a verb which means to ‘try, test, prove, or put to the test’. ‘And Shaphan the scribe shewed the king, saying, Hilkiah the priest hath delivered me a book. And Shaphan read it... Continue Reading
The Church and the World Commentary: “A Just Reward in the Petit Murder Case”
The truth is that God established the death penalty before Moses. In fact, the death penalty is given to human government based on the Noahic Covenant. The recent horrendous murder of the Petit family in Connecticut has resulted in a death sentence. This is a due reward for the brutal murderer, Steven Hayes. It is... Continue Reading
The Glory of Plodding – Being more like Ampliatus or Phlegon
Until we are content with being one of the million nameless, faceless church members and not the next globe-trotting rock star, we aren’t ready to be a part of the church. Editor’s Note: This article was originally published at the Ligonier Ministries website last May. The Aquila Report has just been granted reprint permission for... Continue Reading
No Pass from Theological Responsibility — The BioLogos Conundrum
Writers for BioLogos have repeatedly made the case that we must relinquish the inerrancy of the Bible and accept that the biblical writers worked from a defective understanding of the world and its origins. Public debate is unpredictable by nature, but I have to admit that the approach undertaken by the folks at BioLogos continues... Continue Reading