A new meaning for ‘brothers in arms’ – Repealing ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ can’t undo human nature
“First, you get your foot in the door by being as similar as possible; then and only then … can you start dragging in your other peculiarities, one by one. You hammer in the wedge narrow end first … allow the camel’s nose beneath your tent, and his whole body will soon follow.” Once again,... Continue Reading
Southern Poverty Law Center called out for politically motivated ‘Hate’ campaign against Christians
The SPLC and its allies are flailing violently as they swim upstream against a torrent of settled science, thousands of years of history and the unwavering moral precepts of every major world religion. It’s little wonder they’ve resorted to childish name calling. Sometimes the most effective way to deal with a bully is to simply... Continue Reading
Exploiting the Teen Temptress – She who represents everything that’s wrong with pop culture today.
Editor’s note: If you are a parent and a Christian, you need to know who Taylor Momsen is and what her lifestyle means. (Warning: the descriptions in this story are distasteful, to say the least, but highly accurate.) You may have never heard of the 17-year-old actress Taylor Momsen, but she represents everything that’s wrong... Continue Reading
‘Tethered’ Preaching: John Calvin & the Entertaining Pastor
The entertainment-oriented preacher seems to be at ease talking about many things that are not drawn out of the Bible. In his message, he seems to enjoy more talking about other things than what the Bible teaches. By personal calling and Scripture, I am bound to the word of God and to the preaching of... Continue Reading
The Christian Worldview as Master Narrative: Creation
One of the hallmarks of the postmodern age is, as one of its main theorists has explained, “incredulity toward metanarratives.” This reflects the postmodern suspicion of any master explanation of world reality and human experience. But, from beginning to end, biblical Christianity is a master narrative. Biblical Christianity is not only a faith that involves... Continue Reading
How We View Our Children Determines How We Disciple Them
Whether or not your children ever profess Christ, whether or not they ever get better grades than Theo, our kids always need the same message: the hope of the gospel. That is their greatest need. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard!” In this dialogue from Season One, Episode One of The Cosby Show, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFY0HBkUm8o&feature=player_embedded,... Continue Reading
Year End Reflections on the PCA Administrative Committee Funding Plan: A Trusting Way Forward
Little, if any, strong support for the funding plan has been gained since the General Assembly, except by twisting arms and spending bullets. Looks like the same old supporters, mostly with vested interests. Good plans pick up steam and convince doubters—a sense of excitement may be noted. This plan has not done that; in fact,... Continue Reading
Finders keepers – Popular wisdom isn’t usually the best teacher of economics
The elementary classroom is not too early a setting for teaching boys and girls the sober meaning of terms like “trillion dollar deficits”… of the benefits and the costs of “compound interest”; of the “welfare state”; of “collectivism”; of the “free market”; of “wealth creation”;…. Out of all the economic wisdom you’ve accumulated over your... Continue Reading
Unregrettable, Hard Words
…if your pastor’s words don’t ever make you feel a little beat up or somewhat grieved by your sin, he’s likely neither preaching the law nor the gospel, and if that’s the case, run for your life. 2 Corinthians 7:8–9 “For even if I made you grieve with my letter, I do not regret it—though... Continue Reading
Waiting for Christmas
I recently received an invitation to speak in chapel at a local Christian academy. They asked me to speak on the topic, “Patience.” I thought that was a great idea and responded that I could not wait to be with them. Well, actually I was going to respond that way, but realized if I did... Continue Reading