Here and Self Loathing in America?
Only in the realm of Christian ministry is it somehow deemed a virtue to be underpaid and poor. Yet there is an argument to be made that salaries often reflect the value we place on things. Yes, I know that there are poor churches that cannot afford to pay a decent ministerial salary; but that... Continue Reading
Hesitantly, Hopefully Helpful – In Favor of the AC Funding Plan
But regardless of how accurate those figures are, the idea of our churches sharing an equal burden for the benefits of the AC services appeals to me. The present “voluntary” system will never approach any such measure of equality, in my view. Editor’s note: Many PCA Presbyteries will be holding their winter stated meetings in... Continue Reading
Reasons to Vote Against the PCA Proposed Amendments to BCO 14
What is favored: PCA Churches supporting and funding the PCA Administrative Committee. What is not favored: The specific proposal to fund the PCA Administrative Committee by amending parts of BCO 14. The proposal is an overreach, unnecessary, and will fundamentally change the structure of the PCA. Funding the PCA Administrative Committee (AC) is a worthy... Continue Reading
Does Fort Worth Ever Cross Your Mind?
Those of us who are conservative Christians are apt to blame the problems of the world on others…But none of these things are really problems. They are symptoms of a larger problem; namely, that others are assuming the responsibilities that Christians have been neglecting for years. We can’t change the world overnight. But we can... Continue Reading
Some of the Differences Between Baptists and Reformed Theology: The New Covenant – Part 5
The new covenant is new; it is the fulfillment of God’s promises to Adam, Noah, and to Abraham. It is a new administration of the Abrahamic covenant. The typologies have been fulfilled…the NT reaffirms Abraham as the paradigmatic figure and carries out the Abrahamic pattern by initiating believers and their children into the administration of... Continue Reading
Devote Yourself to the Public Reading: Enhancing the Role of Scripture Reading in Worship
Based on the prominence public reading of Scripture has had through the millennia, Timothy Raltson said, “Public reading and preaching within worship exposes His demands, our inadequacy and His grace. It calls for covenant renewal and lies at the heart of spiritual revival. Therefore, how can we offer acceptable worship if His Word does not... Continue Reading
“Free” Association or “Requirements” for Association – Opposed to the AC Funding Plan
My aging mind cannot understand how so many of my dear brothers in Christ in the PCA can even conceive of the Administrative Committee “funding plan” as being pleasing to the Lord. I do not find a justification for “pay-to-play” in the Scripture. Editor’s note: Many PCA Presbyteries will be holding their winter stated meetings... Continue Reading
“If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It”. OK, But If It Is Broke, Fix It The Right Way
It seems to me that it is important that everyone involved in journalism ought to read the material they publish. And every once in a while, something you read might even cause you to change your mind. Such was the result of the case former PCA Moderator Ruling Elder EJ Nusbaum made in yesterday’s The... Continue Reading
Where Did I Come From? – It’s No Longer a Simple Question
It is as if we are now living on a new planet — one in which all the natural boundaries of sex and reproduction have been left behind. The technologies of reproduction are redefining sex, marriage, relationships, family, and the human story. At some point, anticipated and even feared by some parents, every child asks... Continue Reading
Anabaptism and pietism erode covenant theology’s justice implications
Horton’s description of the Anabaptist and pietist streams that has “evangelicalism” in its current state of confusion has infected Reformed and Presbyterians circles so profoundly that our emphasis on covenant theology is disappearing. Evangelicalism does not promote covenant theology. As such, you can’t name a celebrity “Reformed” pastor that tweets or preaches “covenant theology.” Michael... Continue Reading