Cracks in the Crystal Cathedral – Why we are better off letting God make the gospel relevant.
Schuller was only leading the parade of those who believe they are responsible for making the gospel relevant. The lesson is not that Schuller got it wrong or that his theology is out-of-date; it is not that we just need to find a better, more current point of cultural contact. The lesson is that our... Continue Reading
Biblical Triumphalism
Even as God’s people get the humility part right, they must also get the triumph part right. For as the Christmas story continues, it leads us through condescension and weakness and humility and death, to glory and sovereign power and total triumph In my last posting, I focused on the ironies of the Christmas story:... Continue Reading
The Christian Worldview as Master Narrative: Sin and its Consequences
Every worldview must give an account of what is wrong with humanity and why the cosmos demonstrates so much death, decay, and apparent meaninglessness. As Christians, we know that the world as we see it contains vestiges of the glory of God that shine through the corruption of the universe blighted by sin Our experience... Continue Reading
Taking the “Fun” out of Funerals
The first thing the Apostle does is assume that the believer’s reaction to death will be one of grief, not celebration. In effect, he gives us permission to be sorrowful in bereavement. The second thing is that he limits the scope of our grief. Unlike unbelievers for whom death represents ultimate loss, believers have hope.... Continue Reading
Jesus – Domesticated? or ‘Mighty God’?
“Heaven goes by favor. If it were by merit, you would stay out and your dog would join.” – Mark Twain Just after Thanksgiving, a professional football player dropped an easy pass in the end zone in overtime that would have given his hapless team the win. The other team marched down the field and... Continue Reading
Bill to reverse FCC’s Internet ‘Neutrality’ Rule Introduced in House of Representatives
The National Religious Broadcasters, the nation’s largest group of Christian broadcasters…warns that net neutrality rules might pose problems for communicating the gospel on the Internet and new media technologies. As promised, House Republicans have not left the FCC’s net neutrality rules unchallenged in the new Congress, backing a bill that would invalidate the federal agency’s... Continue Reading
The Online State of Nature – Why has Internet discourse devolved into a “war of every man against every man”?
In our online debates, we not only fail to cultivate charity and humility, we come to think of them as vices: forms of weakness that compromise our advocacy. And so we go forth to war with one another. Sometimes our behavior in the “real world” can illuminate the puzzles of online experience. Consider this little... Continue Reading
Ten Suggestions To Help You Grow in Grace and Knowledge in the New Year
Many years ago, an evangelist by the name of Brownlow North wrote the following simple but helpful rule for Christians: “If you are in doubt as to a thing being right or wrong, go to your room and kneel down and ask God’s blessing on it. (Col. 3:17). If you cannot do this, it is... Continue Reading
All Giving In the PCA Is Voluntary Under Its Constitution: Why I Voted No on the AC Funding Plan
The argument made by the AC in 2007 was very simple and logical: (1) All “no-pay-no-say” rules are contrary to voluntary giving; (2) the PCA’s Constitution only allows voluntary giving (BCO 25-8); (2) the proposed funding plan includes a “no-pay-no-say” rule; (4) therefore, the current proposal is unconstitutional. Editor’s note: Many PCA Presbyteries will be... Continue Reading
Muslims in Evangelical Churches – Does loving your neighbor mean opening your doors to false worship?
Both of the pastors allowing Muslim worship on their property appeal to the love required of Christians as an authoritative guide for their decision-making. But it is not self-evident that this duty requires us to provide property for false worship. As professional religion reporters looked back on 2010, they ranked the debate over an Islamic... Continue Reading