Jeff Meyers, Missouri Presbytery, and Covenant Theology
If I could ask the committee a question it would be this: If the investigative process was so thorough, why devote so little in the report to substantiating Meyers’ innocence? Why isn’t there more material devoted to the specific concerns raised in the LOC, and not just whether or not Meyers believes the first and... Continue Reading
Don’t Ask (Awkward Questions); Don’t Tell (The Long-Term Consequences)
The recently disenfranchised lame duck Left pulled off its most extreme legislative coup thus far, by homosexualizing the United States military—using their own version of the admittedly lame Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Clinton legislation. DON’T ASK (Awkward Questions): They did not ask, in a Pentagon poll, if repeal was morally appropriate. They asked whether, in... Continue Reading
PCA AC Funding Alternative Plan Number Five: The Clements (with needed revisions)
It is the issue of ONLY VOLUNTARY support versus FEES for necessary functions that will have to be settled… Don’t risk something that the Presbyteries are going to reject. As of today, the Presbyteries hold the real power. Fifth and final in our series of Alternative Plans published on The Aquila Report. This one came... Continue Reading
When Science Goes Mad – Just because we can doesn’t mean we should
Thomas Jefferson not only thought that “all men are endowed by their Creator” with the right to life, but gave it top priority among man’s “unalienable rights.” “The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government.” On any given day, scientists jolt us... Continue Reading
Evangelicalism’s bitter 20-somethings; Let’s call them ‘The Bitters’!
The Bitters, who tend to gravitate toward Christian hipster culture, are on a mission to expose the “conservative conspiracy” wherever they can find it (or create it) under the guise of “healthy critique.” Bitters define themselves by what they are not Is it me or does it seem that many kids reared in affluent conservative... Continue Reading
PCA AC Funding Alternative Plan Number Four: The Midway Plan
Fourth in our series of Five Alternative Plans published on The Aquila Report. This one came from TE David Hall and the Session of Midway PCA in Powder Springs, GA. It was entitled: An Overture to Fund the Administrative Committee by Voluntary Means. For Alternative Plan Number One, go to For Alternative Plan Number... Continue Reading
The PCA’s New Dilemma about Deacons (X)
Deacons are part of the government of the Church, or at least are covered in Systematic Theology books under the locus of the Church. Therefore, it stands to reason that to misunderstand the true nature of ecclesiology is also to miss the function of deacons. Since the end of the twentieth and beginning of the... Continue Reading
PCA AC Funding Alternative Plan Number Three: The Westminster Plan
Third in our series of Alternative Plans to the now-failed BCO 14 Amendments which were published on The Aquila Report. This one came from our Editor, Dominic Aquila, and was entitled: A Sensible Alternative to the PCA BCO 14 Amendments. For Alternative Plan Number One, go to For Alternative Plan Number Two, go to... Continue Reading
What is a Missional Church? Warning: Contradictory and conflicting views of the church inside.
It seems to me that we need to stop justifying the mission of God by unflatteringly caricaturing any and all pre-Grunge churches. We also need to vociferously reject this false pitting of ecclesiocentric against missiocentric perspectives that abounds in the missional movement’s apologetics. Theologians have an irksome propensity for needlessly multiplying technical terms. Words like... Continue Reading
By the Skins of Their Teeth — Is a New MTV Series Child Pornography?
Does “Skins” cross the legal line of criminal child pornography? Just imagine the moral culpability of a network whose executives even have to ask the question. MTV turns 30 this year, and it is wasting no time as it rushes headlong into a mid-life crisis. The cable network, first known as Music Television, pioneered the... Continue Reading