A Wrong Turn? – What IS the church and its mission?
“What is the church and its mission?” Matthew 28: 18-20 would be a good place to start. Then see how the Apostles worked that out in their time and places. Perhaps if we ask the right question, get the right answer, and follow the directions we can find our way to letting the church be,... Continue Reading
Does the Church Know Her Commission?
The Great Commission excludes the easy-believism and pseudo-gospels of pop spirituality precisely because it commands repentance from sin and faith in Christ crucified and raised for sinners. This is the message the church has been commissioned to preach, and it is the message that the world desperately needs to hear. Have you ever wished you... Continue Reading
Amy’s Story – ‘The Banality Of Evil’
The devil usually scores by reduction: reducing love to sex, lasting joy to fleeting pleasure, virtue to slogans. How many of his victims are easily confused, to the detriment of their immortal souls? Of course she has a story—everyone does. Amy Woodruff is someone’s daughter, certainly. Perhaps she’s someone’s mother, sister, girlfriend, wife, or ex.... Continue Reading
C. J. Mahaney Preaches at SBTS: Deflating the Puffed Up Church
In a passionate plea to seminary students, Reformed theologian C. J. Mahaney, President of Sovereign Grace Ministries, cautioned them against becoming “puffed up” believers in Christ. The temptation of pride is there, especially as Christians grow in their knowledge of the truth, Mahaney warned on Thursday. But rather than being filled with pride, believers should... Continue Reading
Coming to Terms with a “Bad” Demographic Hand
We are an almost-all white church in the midst of a predominantly African-American City, in the weird position of being “Majority-Minorities” –18% in fact, by recently released census data. Jackson is 80% African-American, and I am as white as God made white folk. Our worship is as white, vanilla Presbyterian as one might expect from... Continue Reading
Three Ways with Families – Why the drop in birth rate?
The gospel is neither religion nor irreligion, it is something else altogether. Vital gospel Christianity’s influence on a society will produce neither a liberal and secular nor a traditional and conservative culture, but something we have seldom seen before. In Japan, in Western Europe, and in Russia, the birth-rate has fallen precipitously, to below replacement... Continue Reading
Letters to Our Students: “Healers, Not Doctors”
This installment of Letters to our Students is dedicated with love to Dr. and Mrs. Don Sweeting. This past Thursday, February 10th, 2011, marked his inauguration as President of Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando, Florida. My friend Don has lived and lives out this Gospel portrait of a pastor with much grace. We cared so much... Continue Reading
What the Bible Really Says About Sex . . . Really? Really!!
Miller explains that they argue along these lines: first, that “the Bible is an ancient text, inapplicable in its particulars to the modern world.” Second, that “sex in the Bible is sometimes hidden.” Third, that “that which is forbidden is also allowed.” And fourth, that “accepted interpretations are sometimes wrong.” The Bible is brutally honest... Continue Reading
Preachers and Politics
Glenn Farrell, pastor of First OPC in San Francisco, CA, posted the following article from Robert Dabney’s pen on the topic of the Spiritual Nature of the Church – a topic with a growing interest in current days. From “Political Preachers,” The Texas Presbyterian (May 4, 1894): 1 and “The Gospel Idea of Preaching,” Presbyterial... Continue Reading
The Angry Person: Always the Last to Know
The problem with anger is that those who don’t have the problem take it to heart; those who are angry are confident in their right-ness and over time can become massively, utterly, completely deluded, blind and (this is no exaggeration) can feel quite good about themselves after bludgeoning someone close them, as if they have... Continue Reading