The PCA’s byFaith Magazine, Hipster Presbyterians, and Dolla’ Bills (Y’all)
Oh, what to do about byFaith? What to do, what to do, what to do? The question of funding for the Administrative Committee (AC) has been a hot topic among PCA presbyteries, sessions, individual elders, and other interested individuals for the past few years. It’s now all-but-official that the relevant amendments proposed for the Book... Continue Reading
Honk If You Love Anti-Christian Bumper Stickers
To get to my favorite coffee shop here in Louisville, I pass a lot of bumper stickers intended to make people like me angry. One of them says “Born Okay the First Time.” Another says “If You Don’t Like Abortion, Don’t Have One.” And, of course, there are several of the Darwin fish, those metallic... Continue Reading
South Sudan: Rebuilding the World’s Newest Nation
“If South Sudan secedes, we (in the North) will change the constitution. There will be no question of cultural or ethnic diversity. Sharia (strict Islamic law) will be the only source of the constitution, and Arabic the only official language.” After decades of on-again, off-again civil war in Africa’s largest country, the long-awaited democratic process... Continue Reading
Ten Commandments in school stirs fight in a Virginia mountain district
The debate, said Shahn Wilburn, the independent Baptist pastor who first suggested displaying the Ten Commandments after Columbine, is “Giles County versus Washington. David versus Goliath. I know that story,” he added. “And I know who won.” Nearly 12 years ago, in the aftermath of the shootings at Columbine High School, officials quietly posted the... Continue Reading
Conscience Trampled by the Regime – administration ready to use coercive power to force medical personnel to perform acts they consider to be morally wrong
From a Christian perspective, this should serve as a clear alarm for those who suggest that it is paranoid to believe that the state will use similar force to require other acts against conscience. The logic is right here for all to see, and only the willfully blind can deny what this new policy means.... Continue Reading
Why Multiculturalism Can’t Work – For a society to survive it has to have one culture
British Prime Minister David Cameron horrified European elites when he recently proclaimed that multiculturalism has failed. The idea that all culturess are equal and that they can live happily side by side in one country is false. It just doesn’t work. Certainly millennia of human civilization should be proof enough. But there are plenty of... Continue Reading
Rumors of Her Demise…
Many have tried to kill her. Her enemies have been in the thousands. Governments have pursued her in an effort to stop her influence. Kings and Emperors have betrayed and used her for their own political gain. I have a confession. I love her. Who is she? She is the Church. Seems that no matter... Continue Reading
Commentary: The causes of ‘great harm’ to the Church
If More Light Presbyterians don’t speak for you, if you do not want the PCUSA to become an agent of public advocacy for sexual anarchy, now is the time to wake up, stand up and speak up. Vote “no” on Amendment 10-A, Amendment 10-1, and Amendment 10-2 Seeking to further erode the sexual ethic God... Continue Reading
Tough Grace: Clear and Consistent on Sexual Standards – The same standard should apply to all.
Wheaton College’s Community Covenant is a good model. It says, “[F]ollowers of Jesus Christ will … uphold chastity among the unmarried (1 Cor. 6:18) and the sanctity of marriage between a man and woman (Heb. 13:4) … Scripture condemns … all … sexual relations outside the bounds of marriage between a man and woman.” Those... Continue Reading
Book Review: Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Spy by Eric Metaxas
Standing firmly against both the Nazification of the church as well as the tradition of liberal theology which made such a movement possible, Bonhoeffer called for faithful Christians to stand firm against the idolatries of the age. This makes Metaxas’ Bonhoeffer not only an interesting biography, but one profoundly relevant to the challenges we face... Continue Reading