An Interview with authors of ‘American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us’
For a long time I couldn’t believe that people were making choices about their religious behavior on the basis of their politics because I couldn’t imagine that people would be making choices that might affect their eternal fate on the basis of how they felt about George W. Bush or Bill Clinton. Yet, our data... Continue Reading
Why I Don’t Sing “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”
Apart from the obvious error of saying that Christ was “born among the lilies,” these lyrics betray the fundamental rejection of the deity of Christ common to Unitarians. Christ died “to make men holy”; that is, He lived and died nobly, that we might follow His example. Yet it remains for man (through government and... Continue Reading
Is Belief in a Vengeful God More Likely to Promote Moral Behavior Than Belief in a Loving God Is?
Comment posted to article: the following question is left unclear by the research: How do the researchers define a “mean” God? In the Christian tradition, God is presented as both a judge and a caring Father. Does the research only allow for two mutually exclusive categories? And how mean is the mean God? Does the... Continue Reading
The Death of Osama bin Laden: What Kind of Justice Has Been Done?
The news should again remind us of the difference between the City of Man and the City of God. Understandably, news of Osama bin Laden’s demise at the hands of U. S. Navy Seals provoked cries of celebration. The mastermind of terror, even against civilians (indeed, against fellow Muslims) has been brought to justice. But... Continue Reading
The Trial that Still Must Come — The Death of Osama bin Ladin and the Limits of Human Justice
But open patriotic celebration in the streets? That looks far more like revenge in the eyes of a watching world, and it looks far more like we are simply taking satisfaction in the death of an enemy. That kind of revenge just produces greater numbers of enemies. Osama bin Ladin is dead. President Obama spoke... Continue Reading
Evangelicalism’s narcissism epidemic
I wonder if God is impressed with influential churches? “Hey look at how awesome we are; God sure is working!” But isn’t your church “da bomb” if it’s working to love God and love your neighbor? What else would you want in a church to do and to be? And, by the way, your little... Continue Reading
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the Banner of Truth
Today I call on the readers of Reformation 21 to flex their online muscles. I am asking the Banner of Truth for two things; not that they republish ”Among the Soviet Evangelicals”, nor that they bring back the Scottish tourist board covers, not even that they invite Carl Trueman to speak at their conference. But... Continue Reading
Bush, Obama, and Osama: America’s Hour of Choosing
“War has been waged against us by stealth and deceit and murder. This nation is peaceful, but fierce when stirred to anger. This conflict was begun on the timing and terms of others. It will end in a way, and at an hour, of our choosing.” George W. Bush, 9/14/2001 “In Bin Laden Announcement, Echoes... Continue Reading
My thoughts on the death of Osama Bin Laden
We have prayed for people in that region for years. We have sent loved ones there. Those very dear to us have stayed in the town of Abbottabad and some live there still. I have spent time in that region, meeting people, sharing meals with them and praying for them. They need the gospel. Osama... Continue Reading
‘Christian Economics’ Meets the Antiunion Movement
And evidence that God would prefer gold money to paper can be found throughout the Old Testament, according to Mr. North. There are more than 350 references to gold in Strong’s famous Bible concordance, he writes. Gold is used in worship, godly wisdom is compared to gold and the Hebrew prophets used the debasement of... Continue Reading