The Bonds of Brotherhood
The church exists as a corporate body. There is a corporate solidarity that defines the identity of the New Testament church. There is no room for rugged individualism. No one has been given all the gifts of the Holy Spirit; no one has an opportunity to “hog” the ministry. Fraternity … what does this word... Continue Reading
Treating Africans as friends, not dependents
“While Americans are pestering their leaders to Save Darfur—an unlikely prospect absent full-scale military intervention—the Chinese are busy building roads and hydroelectric power dams. China believes Africa is a huge economic opportunity and deals with Africa like a business partner.” Many African countries lag behind the rest of the world economically in ways that perpetuate... Continue Reading
Cassandra Called It As She Saw It
And isn’t it about time that somebody who carries real weight in the young, restless and reformed world spoke out about this kind of ecclesiastical madness? There is a fascinating article on multi-campus ministry in the latest Christianity Today. I will not bore readers with too much of my usual shtick about the celebrity/megachurch culture... Continue Reading
When Spirituality Kills – How should society regulate New Age gurus or Christian Scientists?
When considering crackdowns on ersatz sweat lodges or extreme rites, Americans ought to take guidance from what Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson wrote in 1944: “The price of freedom of religion . . . is that we must put up with, and even pay for, a good deal of rubbish.” Best-selling author and self-help guru... Continue Reading
Cold-Blooded Christianity
The new anathema is “cultural Christianity.” “Missional Christians” disparage it. The supposed demise of Christendom is the rallying cry of young, hip evangelicals. Many would prefer to be labeled “Arian” than derided as “Constantinian.” Editor’s Note: In a blog note at The Gospel Coalition, Justin Taylor called attention to this article, initially published in 2009.... Continue Reading
Gay marriage across the land: Not so darn fast
The recent legalization of same-sex marriage in New York proves that it’s no longer an issue in the United States, right? Gay marriage will eventually, but certainly, become widely accepted everywhere, right? Not if the American people have anything to say about it. So far, the question has been put directly to American voters 31... Continue Reading
The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band on Urban Theology
One could easily make the case for the existence of an urbanism which parallels Edward Said’s orientalism. Now the church is apparently on the bandwagon: missions to the city have a cool, hip status; missions to the bumpkins and the yokels (that’s English for `redneck’) not being quite so sexy Monday was a hard day... Continue Reading
A call to Christian counterculture
In Lectures on Calvinism (1898), Abraham Kuyper distinguishes Christianity and modernism as two fundamentally different life-systems. Remaining distinct from the world is especially difficult in modern times. The legal establishment of same-sex marriage in New York state—not by a rogue court, mind you, but by legislative act—raises pressing questions for the Church. Will we stand... Continue Reading
Why This Evangelical Could Vote For Mitt Romney
Unbelievers, moreover, seem to be acceptable biblically to serve in public office. When Paul wrote Romans 13—which commands obedience to civil government—pagans were the chief government officials in Rome. Publisher’s Note: On May 27 we ran an Op-Ed piece written by Warren Cole Smith, the Associate Publisher of World Magazine, in which he gave his... Continue Reading
Jesus Christ, Extraterrestrial?
If life is found on other planets, does Christian faith come unraveled? Or would other life forms also be redeemed by grace? An Interview with Jennifer Wiseman, chief of NASA’s exoplanet division. The Veritas Riff is a group of friends who combine deep faith with world-class expertise in subjects ranging from politics, science, culture, business,... Continue Reading