When Pastors Experience Depression
Make certain your pastor takes time off every year. Vacations must be mandatory. He likewise needs to take at least one day off each week. Look for signs that he is not giving sufficient time to his family, and help him to find the time to do so. His wife and children cannot be neglected.... Continue Reading
Is it ever appropriate to call out prosperity gospel teachers by name?
Mark Driscoll does it. I tuned in one time and he actually played a clip from Joel Osteen. My problem is that I don’t read these guys enough and don’t know them well enough. If I read a whole bunch of books by so-and-so and had actual quotes that I could quote and arguments that... Continue Reading
From The Edge of Byzantium – Dispatch From Cyprus
Editor’s Note: Terry gives a personal view of life in a small, unique Mediterranean island nation with a couple of big stories that you probably have not seen in U. S. news sources. Living and doing ministry in the closed environment of an island in the eastern Mediterranean changes your perspective on life. Especially after... Continue Reading
As the rich get richer, the poor get richer
Religious people don’t seem to often be the kind of folks who appreciate data and facts. Many people believe the myth that as the richer get richer in America, the poor get poorer. I’ts not true. This is why creating wealth is far more transformative than “ending poverty.” A new study has just been released:... Continue Reading
Triumphant Worship!
Triumphant Worship remembers what God has done and lifts up a mighty voice with the angels in heaven (with instruments of your choice, with or without a hymnal). Triumphant Worship imitates in spirit the worship the Virgin Mary who said, “Great and mighty things the Lord has done for me and holy is His Name.”... Continue Reading
Josh McDowell: Internet the Greatest Threat to Christians
Atheists and skeptics now have equal access to our children as we have, which is why the number of Christian youth who believe in the fundamentals of Christianity is decreasing and sexual immorality is growing, apologist Josh McDowell said. “What has changed everything?” asked the apologist from Campus Crusade for Christ International as he spoke... Continue Reading
Letter to an Incomplete, Insecure Teenager
So my advice is: be patient with the way God has planned for you to become a very happy, belly-bumping frog. Don’t settle for being a tadpole or a weird half-frog. But don’t be surprised at the weirdness and slowness of the process either. Four years ago a teenager in our church wrote to me... Continue Reading
Cassandra says, Beware the new Donatism.
Whatever word we use, the focus on personalities is undeniable: it is why the same half dozen to a dozen names appear as keynote speakers at the conferences and on the videos which are central to this movement. Call them `leaders’ rather than `celebrities’ but you still have a personality driven movement Donatism is an... Continue Reading
Bare Necessities – Stripping away useless clothes in favor of the only garments we need
Children love being naked. It seems I no sooner gather a room of respectable people for dinner than one of mine shows up in some degree of undress, wondering if I know the location of their pajamas or who stole their underwear. Nakedness gets less cute with age, however, not only because the aging body... Continue Reading
Symptoms lead to diagnosis of PCUSA health – Hospice is next, barring a miracle
Or do they say, we welcome you with your property, which now by the way, gets signed over to our denomination should you ever decide you want to leave us. Sort of reminds me of the Hotel California — you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave. The PCUSA is... Continue Reading