The Real Me – Supporters of traditional marriage will need more than rational arguments to win
About 1,700 years ago, Augustine of Hippo delved into his own mind and memory to write the world’s first psychological biography. Confessions charts a journey through several “true selves,” from the hedonist to the Manichean dualist to the dedicated seeker of truth who couldn’t live up to his own standards One of the more compelling... Continue Reading
Reparative Therapy, Homosexuality, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Each U.S. presidential election cycle brings its own set of unexpected issues, and the 2012 race already offers one topic of controversy that truly sets it apart — a debate over forms of therapy that attempt to change an individual’s sexual orientation. Known as reparative therapy or sexual orientation conversion therapy, these approaches seek to... Continue Reading
Norway’s Killer, ‘Christian Fundamentalism,’ and the Media
The phrase “Christian fundamentalist” is all over the news. Anders Behring Breivik (the Norwegian mass murderer) appears to be one, according to many news sources, but particularly The Atlantic. Fair enough– he very well may identify himself that way, but I’d like to know why that term has now been so readily embraced. Before getting... Continue Reading
Solutions for the “Tax Gap”
Is it any wonder that taxpayers are cynical and demoralized when politicians routinely break promises; the government’s own accounting watchdogs refuse to vouch for the accuracy of government’s official budget figures; rich people and businesses with expensive tax attorneys and accountants can legally avoid taxes; and well-funded, politically-connected special interests get billions in handouts and... Continue Reading
The National Debt is not our only problem, not by a long shot
In his 1884 opus, Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, Karl Marx’s co-author Friedrich Engels argued for “free love” as a byproduct of the advance of communism… Who knew that a commie philosopher like Engels could probably make a living today as a Sex and the City scriptwriter? Over the past 90... Continue Reading
Free Speech Challenge for Parents
Should a 13-year-old be able to purchase a school-shooting simulator without parents’ knowledge or consent? The Supreme Court says that freedom of speech requires that 13-year-olds have that opportunity. In a 7-2 decision, the court struck down a California law barring the sale of graphically violent video games to people under 18. I have not... Continue Reading
Our Collapsing Ecclesiology
It’s Sunday morning. You wake up, prepare a hot beverage, eat breakfast, and finish your morning routine. Now what? Go to church? Maybe, maybe not. Attending public worship services has become optional for a growing number of professing Christians, as has commitment to the visible, institutional church. It has been widely reported that a number... Continue Reading
The Mosque on the Mount
For the past 13 centuries a mosque has occupied the temple’s former site. It is not a sign of God’s endorsement on Islam. Rather, it is an unwitting guardian of the new covenant reality. God wants the temple gone, not because Judaism is destroyed, but because in Jesus it is fulfilled. On the ancient temple... Continue Reading
Embracing the Moral Order – Jane Austen’s Marital Advice
Why is it that so many people who want so badly to get and stay married, end up crashing on the marital shoals? I’ve got one answer from an unlikely source. The experts have a lot of ideas about why marriages crumble. But one of my favorite answers comes from someone who gave literary marriage... Continue Reading
Doing Authentic Ministry with My Smokin’ Hot Bride – A list of the worst ever Christian cliches.
– Christ-follower. A problematic trend in recent years is calling oneself this rather than a Christian. I understand the embarrassment the label Christian can cause when it aligns one with others who are not as smart, savvy, or theologically and politically progressive as oneself. (Yes, that was sarcasm, another language altogether). I slipped. My husband... Continue Reading