Modern Youth Ministry a ’50-Year Failed Experiment,’ Say Family Integrated Church Pastors
A group of pastors and former youth ministry leaders suggest that today’s youth ministries should be disbanded, calling the common practice of separating congregations by age for worship and Bible study “unbiblical.” The church leaders state their case in the documentary film, “Divided: Is Age-Segregated Ministry Multiplying or Dividing the Church?” The film is produced... Continue Reading
Beware Romantic Pornography
Just as sexual pornography twists an understanding for men about real women’s bodies and sexual appetites, so romantic pornography twists the perception for women about real men and how they “ought” to behave toward women, which tends to amount to, well, behaving like a woman I recently watched the film Sleepless in Seattle with my... Continue Reading
Basics of the Reformed Faith 3: The Sufficiency of Scripture
The sufficiency of Scripture is closely related to the inspiration and authority of the Bible. When we speak of the inspiration of Scripture, we refer to the fact that the various books of the Bible have their origin in the will of God. The books of the Bible have been breathed forth by God the... Continue Reading
Muslims, Mosques, and Herman Cain
Do Muslims have the right to worship? Yes! Do they have the right to advocate through democratic processes to change our Constitution? Yes! Do they have the right to use our system to advocate for a “local option” in majority Muslim communities for ignoring the Constitution in favor of sharia? No! Do they have the... Continue Reading
The Separation of Mosque and State?
One thing is certain. President Barack Obama certainly has kept the global promise he made to the Muslim world from Cairo in 2009, when he said that he considers it part of his “responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear” and create “partnership between America... Continue Reading
Cru: What Happens When God Chooses Your Logo?
In the press release announcing the change, President Steve Douglas declared, “This decision has been saturated with prayer. We only want what God wants for us.” Vice President Steve Sellers said it even more bluntly: “We believe wholeheartedly that God has given us this new name.” Let me start off by saying that I’ve got... Continue Reading
Never, Never, Never Give Up on the Fight for Marriage
To give up the fight for marriage now after a few setbacks is crazy. The debate about marriage in America is not over. Now more than ever, Christians need to be equipped to defend marriage and to live out the truth about marriage, sex, and family in our own lives. Is it time for the... Continue Reading
A Right-Wing Monster, but not a Christian Fundamentalist
Despite what the Norwegian authorities suggested over the weekend, those beliefs probably aren’t a form of Christian fundamentalism. Breivik’s writings bear no resemblance to the theology of a Jerry Falwell or an Oral Roberts For many years, a quiz entitled “Al Gore or the Unabomber?” circulated on conservative Web sites. The quiz juxtaposed passages from... Continue Reading
Who Is The One Dying?
The other day, I drove past a horrible church sign. In big, black letters it read: BE AN ORGAN DONOR, GIVE JESUS YOUR HEART. It made me sad. First of all, organ donors have something good to give to someone in desperate need. This sign in front of an evangelical church insinuates we are a... Continue Reading
Does Preaching Do Anything and Does It Matter? A Place for Preaching?
Preaching is the means by which the objective written Word becomes, without changing its message one bit, the Word of God spoken to us. This means that the sermon is a “crisis moment” in which the listener hears and responds to God speaking to him. At the opening convocation of my seminary in 1969 Dr.... Continue Reading