Made For Each Other – Computerized matchmaking can easily miss the point of marriage
Marriage is God’s greatest sanctification tool, and if we’re too intent on finding our soul mate, we could miss His greater purpose in conforming every individual believer to the image of His Son. What matters is not so much the algorithm, but the analogue: as Christ loved the Church. However less-than-perfect a match may be,... Continue Reading
Dyspepsia and American Atheism – Atheists ‘suffer’ from the existence of the Cross
Every now and then there is a lawsuit that really defines the desperation of a failing social movement. The recent decision of one of America’s most intolerant religious organizations, American Atheists, provides a prime example. This group of anti-Christian zealots has filed a lawsuit they will surely lose. But they will suffer an even more... Continue Reading
The Relationship Between Taxpayers and Tax Spenders – Does a Zero Tax-Price Matter?
This paper argues that the Sixteenth Amendment establishing the income tax nullified the prior constitutional restraint on the size of government and enabled one group of citizens to vote themselves benefits at the expense of another As public concern over rising U.S. budget deficits and debt mounts, policymakers propose numerous explanations and policy changes. One... Continue Reading
What Happened to Discipleship?
There is a growing body of research demonstrating that there is a significant disconnect between professing faith in Jesus Christ and actually following Jesus. A 2005 study by the National Study of Youth & Religion entitled, Portraits of Protestant Teens revealed a great deal about the contemporary approach to youth ministry and its shortcomings. The... Continue Reading
Michele Bachmann: Biblical submission and servant leadership
Obviously, there are situations that require decisive leadership with immediate action, but in general, a good leader — especially the leader of a family — consults and persuades rather than demands. Literally, the standard is to love one another enough to give preference to each other. Few biblical passages cause more confusion than Ephesians 5:21-33... Continue Reading
Evangelicals Without Blowhards
Go to the front lines, at home or abroad, in the battles against hunger, malaria, prison rape, obstetric fistula, human trafficking or genocide, and some of the bravest people you meet are evangelical Christians (or conservative Catholics, similar in many ways) who truly live their faith. In these polarized times, few words conjure as much... Continue Reading
Would J. Gresham Machen Be A Leader in the PCA?
Because Machen insisted on standing for principles such as confessional integrity, he was judged to be not a “nice guy” (my term) or to be “temperamentally deficient” (Hart’s term). In the Presbyterian Church “sincerity, likeability, and being a team player became the desirable traits in church leaders.” J. Gresham Machen, were he alive today, would... Continue Reading
Late-term Abortion Provider Caught Lying in ‘Washington Post’ Front Page News Article
In fact, of the over 25 mothers Dr. Grace Morrison has talked to seeking late-term abortions at Carhart’s clinic, only one was there because of a poor prenatal diagnosis. Recently a Washington Post article stated “All the late-term abortions Carhart has done in Germantown have involved fetuses with anomalies, he said.” A recent patient of... Continue Reading
Parents Ignore your Kids Feelings
“An accurate self-image.” That’s what I remember John Bettler3 teaching almost thirty years ago. Not an inflated self-image, not a low-self image, but an accurate one. It sounded like heresy then. Now it is mainstream Yes, that’s what you might overhear among mental health professionals. The self-esteem revolution is officially over. The writing was on... Continue Reading
Praying for the right (or left) result
Both liberals and conservatives claim to pray to the same God, but for different results. Abraham Lincoln noted this conflict in his Second Inaugural Address: “Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God; and each invokes His aid against the other. . . . The prayers of both could not be answered.”... Continue Reading