Can You Go to Heaven without Being a Church Member? (Or, The Curious Case of A. W. Pink)
We believe, since this holy congregation is an assembly of those who are saved, and outside of it there is no salvation, that no person of whatsoever state or condition he may be, ought to withdraw himself to live in a separate state from it; but that all men are in duty bound to join... Continue Reading
Masters of Intolerance
“I believe they have a religious belief system in Africa that is much closer to yours. Perhaps you’d be more comfortable teaching there. You’re not welcome in my home state.” Dear Mr. Masters: Thank you for writing in response to my recent column, “The Separation of Gay Church and State.” I have copied your entire... Continue Reading
The Islamist Threat Inside Our Military
Muslims have fought many wars against other Muslims. Certainly, for the vast majority our allegiance is first and only to the U.S. and never to any Islamist constructs of the Islamic state, the ummah, or jihad. There should be a moratorium on granting conscientious objector status to Muslims based on claims of religious faith. Our... Continue Reading
What Is a True Christian?
But how can you tell if you really are a Christian? How can you know if you have been born again? What are the definite marks of a new creation in Christ? A Christian is someone who has obeyed the gracious command of Jesus Christ, “Look to me, and be saved, all you ends of... Continue Reading
Protecting What God Has Given You From Those Who Use His Name
What are the lessons that investors can learn from the CMI and Alanar cases? First, never invest in anything pitched by even a subtle appeal to your faith. Make that your Eleventh Commandment. Cornerstone Ministries Investments, Inc. (CMI) was incorporated in 1996 to make loans to churches seeking to build or expand their facilities. To... Continue Reading
How to Criticize the Sermon (When You’re the Preacher’s Wife)
If your husband’s voice is nasal, his laugh hyena-like, or his nervous gestures too repetitive, don’t bother to bring it up. I try to honestly weigh whether my critique is something reasonably within his power to change. When I first declared my intention to marry Rob, my mom said to me, “Do you like his... Continue Reading
President Obama’s Best Friends are on the Far Right
Here is a news flash: 45% of people who vote have no chance in the world of voting for anyone else at all but Barack Obama. And 45% of the people who vote are absolutely no matter what going to be voting against him. Right now, that other 10% is dramatically set against the President... Continue Reading
The Freedom to Care – Smaller government and personal freedom are best for fostering compassion
Private community-based charity is usually much more conducive to helping people achieve the desires I mentioned because their assistance is based on relationship and a deeper knowledge of individual’s need. “Did austerity politics kill compassionate conservatism?” That’s the question writer Amy Sullivan raised recently in Time magazine. She’s questioning whether political conservatives have proven themselves... Continue Reading
Evangelical, Fundamentalist and Born-again Aren’t the Same
If the New Yorker piece is any indication, apparently we evangelicals remain an elusive, vastly misunderstood lot…Those of us in the media would do well to treat evangelicals as neither homogenous nor uncommon, and choose our words more carefully. A week or two after the 2004 election, I was dining with some friends in New... Continue Reading
Construction Begins on Real Life Noah’s Ark
Among many attractions, the park will feature a replica of the Tower of Babel and an old world-style village as can be found in the Old Testament. Spearheaded by Answers in Genesis ministries, a Christian ministry devoted to a literal telling of the Old Testament, the ark is planned to stand 500 feet long, 80... Continue Reading