Practical Reflections Regarding the KJV – A Response to Joel Beeke – Part 1
(W)hile I agree with some of what he says in this piece, there seem to me to be some cultural and sociological issues, in addition to theological issues, that Beeke (and others who hold a position like his) either does not recognize or does not care to address, that affect the selection of a Bible... Continue Reading
Black Presbyterianism is historically small (and probably always will be and it’s ok)
If the PCA had the PC(USA)’s percentage(3.6) of black ministers that would mean the PCA would have about 131 ministers. So the PCA would need about 100 guys in the ordination pipeline to match the percentage of black ministers in the PC(USA). Every conservative Presbyterian denomination should watch this (6 part) video series on black... Continue Reading
Dungeons and Dragons and Doctrinal Debate
Remember those Dungeons and Dragons people back in junior high school? Well, they grew up, got saved, and are now debating Calvinism, on both sides. This realization hit me this past week when I received yet another Facebook “invitation” to a forum debating Calvinism. Now, don’t get me wrong, there are some big and important... Continue Reading
Praying with a Kingdom Purpose
There are…important prayer concerns for which we should not pray, “if it is Your will.” I am occasionally asked whether or not we should always add the words “if it is Your will” to our prayers. This is a good question, since the apostle James’ taught us to say, “If the Lord wills, we will... Continue Reading
Rethinking feminism
I heard a hundred times growing up that women in a pre-feminist world were treated like ornaments, but a glancing survey of Christina Aguilera’s neckline on The Voice tells me the same is true today. Women are still objects. Students in women’s studies courses throughout the United States hear stories of “girl-meets-birth-control” or awakening the... Continue Reading
Michele Bachmann and Dominionism Paranoia
Once again the popular media demonstrate how woefully poor is their understanding of American evangelicals. Attacks on presidential hopefuls will increase in volume, frequency, and audacity as the primary season draws near. Time is short, the stakes are high, and the pundits will pounce on their prey. One recent barrage against Congresswoman Michele Bachmann not... Continue Reading
The Land of the Tulip: A Laboratory for Christianity’s Destruction
A church that lacks the doctrinal conviction and courage necessary to prosecute an atheist pastor for heresy is a church that lost its Christian identity — a long time ago. The doctrinal experimentation embraced by these Dutch churches is hardly limited to the Netherlands. Nevertheless, the Dutch situation makes one point transparently clear — this... Continue Reading
A Question for PCUSA Conservatives: Why Now?
Even as PCUSA liberals were busy dismantling the confessional heritage of the church, evangelicals were repeatedly stepping back and stepping back and stepping back from decisive confrontation in the interests of “gospel proclamation” and the “salvation of souls.” Now, tragically, these same evangelicals find themselves with their backs to the wall. I read Parker T.... Continue Reading
Flash Mobbing King’s Dream
In a society that does not value forming young people in the way of prudence, justice, courage, self-control, and the like, why should we be surprised that convenience stores are being robbed by youthful mobs? In a society that does not value private property and fosters a spirit of envy and class warfare through wealth... Continue Reading
Defined by a Prefix
The difference in the spelling of these two words, inclusive and exclusive, is only two little letters. But the difference those two little letters make in defining who you are, is huge! I was reminded the other day of a young man I met years ago who was a “born leader.” I can’t describe for... Continue Reading