The Divine Tailor
God was the first fashion designer. It’s odd, then, that the pictures in the children’s Sunday school consistently show Adam and Eve wearing outfits apparently borrowed from Fred Flintstone. Children and adults alike perceive their first parents’ wardrobe as ugly: a ragged-edged deerskin awkwardly tied around one shoulder. It’s as if the God who had... Continue Reading
Does Alzheimer’s Justify Divorce?
But a husband giving his care and attention to his suffering wife, regardless of her cognitive abilities, is precisely what real marriage is about. He must love her and care for her as she slips into the unhappy world of Alzheimer’s. He must hold fast to her even though she is unresponsive. He cannot insist... Continue Reading
Old Life Yeast
To be sure, the history of the OPC is strewn with believers who still want the church to be more than the church, to be at the forefront of maintaining and promoting social righteousness. But just as important to the OPC’s history has been a growing contentment with the church as simply the church The... Continue Reading
Kevin Bauder’s Eight Characteristics of Hyper-Fundamentalism
Hyper-fundamentalism is not fundamentalism. It is as a parasite on the fundamentalist movement. For many years it was simply a nuisance, largely ignored by mainstream fundamentalists. Ignoring the problem, however, permitted it to grow A new book forthcoming from Zondervan includes a chapter from Dr. Kevin Bauder of Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Minneapolis. I... Continue Reading
My Advice to Young Pastors
The church is hard and if you are going there for any other reason than the fact that He calls you there, you will be beat up and disappointed. In fact, you are going to get beat up if He has called you there, but the difference is the status of your heart as He... Continue Reading
Though theological liberals present their latest view as “new,” it is the same old option of the worship of creation rather than the Creator. The priceless Gospel of Two-ism is under attack, just as it always has been. In once very Christian Holland, a “new” kind of Christianity has appeared, called “Something-ism.” A theologian in... Continue Reading
Why Pray For A Husband?
Of this I am supremely confident: When we see our Savior and Redeemer face to face, we will not regret being thankful for trusting Him, even in circumstances we could not control and would not have chosen. Over several years of ministering to single women, I’ve heard one question asked repeatedly: “Should I pray for... Continue Reading
Presbyterians and Politics: A Puzzle
What I found when I moved was that there was little intrigue, little arranging behind the scenes. The system worked. Clerks were clerks. Committees were committees. There seemed to be no good ole boy networks. Deliberations occurred on the floor. I, though a unreconstructed Confederate, could actually be heard when I spoke. I was a... Continue Reading
Have Denominations Had Their Day?
Tne local congregation cannot be the whole church, although it is an expression of the whole church insofar as it shares in the true ministry of the whole church. I understand the New Testament to teach a covenantal order of church government, where local churches are connected to each other in narrower and wider assemblies.... Continue Reading
A Brief Response to Al Mohler on Biblical Inerrancy – The devil is indeed in the details and we do well not to ignore them
Because I am leaving the country and must attend to last minute preparations, brevity is required. I am grateful to Dr. Mohler for his kind remarks pertaining to both me and my book, which has recently raised quite a bit of controversy in certain evangelical circles. Although I disagree with much of what he has... Continue Reading