A New Third Way? Reformist Evangelicals and the Evangelical Future
Who is and is not an evangelical? With whom should evangelicals cooperate in gospel efforts, and with whom not? Which theological expressions are truly evangelical, and which are beyond the pale? These questions are central to the ongoing crisis of evangelical identity. In 1989, Carl F. H. Henry spoke to the urgency of answering these... Continue Reading
Delight in the Lord’s Day
This is why we must prepare physically for the Lord’s Day: it will produce a body that is ready to leave off all other thoughts and acts, and worship the Lord. If we clutter this day up with other things, it will be like the person who is constantly working on vacation. If you turn... Continue Reading
What Does The Westminster Confession Mean By ‘In The Space of Six Days’
“…In the beginning, to create, or make of nothing, the world, and all things therein whether visible or invisible, in the space of six days; and all very good.” (WCF IV=1) In the Genesis account of creation, we read; “So the evening and the morning were the first day” (Gen. 1:5). This narrative proceeds from... Continue Reading
Abraham Kuyper on ‘The Separation of Church and Art’
As Kuyper writes in his introduction to the volumes, “If the believer’s God is at work in this world, then in this world the believer’s hand must take hold of the plow, and the name of the Lord must be glorified in that activity as well.” There is a trend among evangelicals to engage in... Continue Reading
God’s Love for Us Displayed in the Cross – Interview with Sinclair Ferguson
But while wrath is satisfied and Christ dies for our sins, it would be erroneous for us to reduce this to the kind of mathematical formulation of “this is how God has merely dealt with our sins.” No, this is also how God actually proves to us he really loves us! (Editor’s Note: This is... Continue Reading
Bible readers prefer word-for-word over thought-for-thought translation
“The places in the Bible in which the inspired writers used masculine words for God, a large majority of Bible readers want translators to use masculine words as well,” McConnell noted. “This is true regardless of whether the reader describes their own spiritual beliefs as liberal or conservative.” Most American Bible readers prefer word-for-word translations... Continue Reading
Is Nicene Christianity that important? An historical-ecumenical note
A humble listening to the past is important for the church in any circumstance; in the context of the creeds, such listening is absolutely non-negotiable. There is an interesting statement about the Trinity by Gospel Coalition council member and regular contributor, James Macdonald, with reference to his invitation to T D Jakes to speak at... Continue Reading
Don’t Waste Your Poison Ivy – Faced with life’s worries, how shall we respond?
“Are we pouring ourselves into the pursuit of the power and the glory of this world’s kingdoms … or are we instead pouring ourselves into the pursuit of God’s kingdom, the only kingdom that will truly last?” -Iain Duguid When John Piper needed surgery a few years back he wrote a great piece, “Don’t waste your cancer.”... Continue Reading
Obama: Our Henry VIII
The Roman Catholic bishops of the United States — and all faithful Catholics in this country — face a conflict with President Barack Obama and his administration that mirrors the conflict between Thomas More and Henry VIII. When Thomas More was in the Tower of London waiting to be tried for refusing to take an... Continue Reading
Online Boycotts Separate Corporations from Christian Groups
Michael Smith, a communications professor at Campbell University, complains that “using online petitions to make policy is as weak a business plan as counting the horns in a ‘honk if you love brand X’ campaign. It’s a lot of noise, little hard data.” But if the tactic works, what’s to stop an activist from employing... Continue Reading