How the Church Lost Her Soundscape
Presbyterian theologian T. David Gordon captures the shift with an anecdote about a theology student at a Protestant seminary puzzled by a professor’s reference to Luther’s “A Mighty Fortress.” Musically, evangelicals are all charismatics now. Author’s note: In what follows, I draw heavily on conversations with, as well as lectures and interviews by Ken Myers... Continue Reading
Only Two Religions? That Can’t Be True!
In our multi-cultural, all-is-one, anything-goes world, the distinction between the Truth and the Lie clearly has to go! The Church must understand the present struggle between the Gospel and the growing, multi-faceted opposition to it in our time. In 1991, returning to the States after seventeen years in France, I was shocked to discover a... Continue Reading
Spiritual Disciplines
Owing to the wide usage of the “spiritual” words, way beyond NT usage, the language of “spiritual disciplines” has likewise extended itself into arenas that are bound to make those who love the gospel more than a little nervous. Almost two decades ago I wrote an essay titled “When Is Spirituality Spiritual? Reflections on Some... Continue Reading
The Geezer Gap
When the prophet Isaiah told King Hezekiah that his royal house would fall and his sons yet-unborn would be eunuchs in the palace of Babylon, he muttered an Amen. “For he thought, ‘Why not, if there will be peace and security in my days?’” (2 Kings 20:19) It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Until... Continue Reading
Freedom from miserable Christianity
Without the resurrection pointing us to eternal life, Christians will lose hope to persevere to the end and will fail to properly align life’s realities with expectations. In his new book Forever: Why You Can’t Live Without It, Paul Tripp does a fantastic job of explaining why believers and nonbelievers alike misunderstand what Christianity is... Continue Reading
ANE and Creation One More Time, with a Concluding Plea
But in the South, due in part to the influence of Robert L. Dabney, literal approaches continued to have a sizeable constituency. Here I would observe that the southern Presbyterians really did not engage the issues of faith and science in the same depth that some of their northern colleagues did (e.g., there was no... Continue Reading
Sharia Law as a Defense for Criminal Neglect and Sexual Abuse
In New Jersey, a 17 year-old girl had an arranged marriage with an accountant whom she had never met before the wedding. There was no factual dispute that he repeatedly raped and beat her. His defense was that he was simply acting out his rights as an Islamic husband……“the judge determined to except defendant from... Continue Reading
A Response to Ed Stetzer’s Review of “What Is the Mission of the Church?”
Part of the problem, as we’ve mentioned before, is that many Christians do not distinguish between the church as organization and the church as organism (to use Bavinck’s terminology). We tend to think that “church” is basically plural for Christians. But the church as an institution with ordained officers and a ministry of word and... Continue Reading
Dispatch From Cyprus
What’s easy to see in all of this is the struggle & challenge in a world permeated by sin & evil – whether it’s political or economic, greed & power driven, or entitlement & security driven. As the discussion went on our new Italian friend asked “Where is the ultimate justice in all this? When... Continue Reading
Starting an Orphan Ministry? Don’t Forget the Widows
The Lord looked with favor on Sarah, Hannah, and Elizabeth. He did not see their simple desire to be mommies as less-than-holy. In our zeal for “the orphan,” let’s make a point to come alongside the infertile couples we know. Let’s pray for them. And let’s acknowledge that, open womb or not, we all want... Continue Reading