How Will You Mark Thanksgiving?
“Now I, your magistrate, do proclaim that all ye Pilgrims … do gather at ye meeting house … on Thursday, November 29th, of the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and twenty-three … there to listen to ye pastor and render thanksgiving to ye Almighty God for all his blessings.” How will you... Continue Reading
Christian patriot – Patrick Henry would not be surprised by today’s runaway federal government
(Samuel) Davies was a Presbyterian pastor in Hanover, Va., close by where Henry’s family lived. When Henry was a teenager his mother became involved with Davies’ church…He remembered those scenes of Davies’ revival preaching: very learned but also very emotional. And later on in his career, Henry’s critics would say that Henry spoke like an... Continue Reading
A Prayer for Those Suffering from Doxological Dementia
We long to have the rich and the poor, the educated and the uneducated, the religious and the irreligious, the washed and the unwashed, the found and the lost, the unrighteous and the self-righteous come together to hear, believe, and live the gospel. Do it Lord, indeed, bring it to pass. This is what the... Continue Reading
Why Pastors Need a Seminary Education – Part 3
If our local churches are really concerned about the welfare of their seminarian sons, they can do many things to help. First they can pray for them. She can also provide an invaluable service to the student and to the church by teaching her children the catechism. Seminary and the Church There is a movement... Continue Reading
The Gospel and the Growing Sex Abuse Allegations of Penn State, the Citadel and Syracuse
Perhaps that is why Jesus said that for those who cause the little ones (children) to stumble, it would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone tied around his neck (Mark 9.42). Strong words responding to strong pain, and the cries of sexual brokenness right now going up... Continue Reading
The Things Concerning Himself
I remember back in college my roommate, Michelle, brought home the movie The Usual Suspects. We spent the afternoon enthralled in this 1995 film. The movie begins with a ship massacre and explosion, where Roger “Verbal” Kint, played by Kevin Spacey, is one of only two survivors. The other survivor wasn’t doing well, hospitalized as... Continue Reading
What Christians Really Believe: “I Must Try Harder”
“I must try harder” comes from the set of beliefs in which Jesus, at most, is our [distant] coach, giving direction, encouragement, and a good tongue lashing from the side-lines while we try to compete, without much assistance, against someone clearly more skilled than ourselves. Victory is never really possible. We just hope to avoid... Continue Reading
The Gospel’s Seasonal Effective Disorder
And I am not doing a thing differently than I did in the lean days…I am the same guy stubbornly doing the exact same thing. I am insanely repeating the same “methods” and expecting different results. And it appears to be working. This proves to me it has nothing to do with me (which is... Continue Reading
Pizza qua Vegetable: Acton Finds The Moral Dimension
Well, that wasn’t a serious title: After an hour of reflection, I am forced to admit that pizza qua pizza is a morally neutral proposition. We might have thought it was politically neutral too, until Congress decided this week that pizza sauce still counts as a serving of vegetables in public school lunch lines. The... Continue Reading
Learning from our Church Fathers
After all, something isn’t true just because a church father says it, and for that matter, even the Nicene Creed doesn’t carry the same weight of authority as the Bible. Why, then, should we pay attention to the non-inspired writers of a period in the distant past, when we could be focusing on the Bible... Continue Reading