Putting Faith Healers To Their Own Test
It is not a lack of faith to use medicine. With all the advertisements on television by law firms looking for clients to sue drug companies because of bad drugs it takes faith just to take the medicine. Faith healers make me sad and sometimes furious. I read it in the London Daily Mail last... Continue Reading
“Change, Acquiesce, or Depart Honorably with Conviction”: The Unhappy Politics of Creation
…as a Christian academic I simply have not witnessed this alleged groundswell of support for literal six-day young-earth creationism in the academy (except, perhaps, among those who teach at schools where literal six-day young-earth creationism is a requirement for employment!). I want to thank Dr. Bill VanDoodewaard for his recent post “Hermeneutics and Awkward Science”... Continue Reading
The Gift of Self Forgetfullness
“Many pulpits across the land consistently preach the Christian and not the Christ.” Todd Wilken As I said in Ed Stetzer’s interview of me a couple weeks ago, the way many of us think about sanctification is, well…not very sanctified. In fact, it’s terribly narcissistic. We spend too much time thinking about how we’re doing,... Continue Reading
Tebow’s Religion, and Ours – His authenticity irks our secular, selfish culture.
With very few exceptions — Mariano Rivera comes to mind, as well as Curt Schilling, and post-“Prime Time” Deion Sanders — athletes’ professions of faith strike most believers, nonbelievers, and agnostics alike as empty ritual, an extended solipsism in which big men with bigger egos congratulate themselves for having God on their side. When the... Continue Reading
For Christian Men: The Lessons of Herman Cain
For Christians, the lessons of Herman Cain are too important to leave in the history books of the 2012 presidential campaign. Herman Cain “suspended” his campaign for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination on Saturday, ending one of the most interesting political campaigns of recent years. Cain’s energy and ideas had catapulted him into the front... Continue Reading
Women, Stop Submitting to Men
Those of us who hold to so-called “traditional gender roles” are often assumed to believe that women should submit to men. This isn’t true. Indeed, a primary problem in our culture and in our churches isn’t that women aren’t submissive enough to men, but instead that they are far too submissive. First of all, it... Continue Reading
Lessons from a Japanese Nun
All of us, people and pastors alike, need to remember how lonely suffering can be and how great the need for true company. We can’t take the role of the only Good Shepherd, but we can walk with them and hold their hands as far through the valley of the shadow as one human can... Continue Reading
Why Pastors Need a Seminary Education – Parts 4 and 5
What they can do, however, is extend the seminary’s ability to help pastors continue their education. Just as lawyers and physicians are required to continue their education, so congregations should give prayerful consideration to sending their pastor(s) back to seminary for a time of study and renewal. This small step might reduce ministerial “burnout” significantly.... Continue Reading
Modesty: A Heart Issue
I’m not suggesting that we should seek to be homely. My point is that the characteristics that God desires for us to pursue include wisdom and kindness and dignity and strength and most especially fear of the Lord. As a home schooling mom, modesty is a topic that comes up on a regular basis. Because... Continue Reading
The Emperor’s New Yoga Pants
“Age and developmentally appropriate yoga poses, breathing exercises, chanting, meditation, and relaxation techniques offer a child-friendly relationship to the physical and philosophical traditions of yoga.” A group of children sits in a circle, legs crossed, and palms pressed together in front of their hearts. A lovely woman has just finished leading them through a yogic... Continue Reading