Top Stories of 2011 on The Aquila Report – Numbers 10 – 1
In 2011 The Aquila Report has posted over 2,500 stories. This week we will feature the top 50 of those stories, 10 per day the rest of the year. The top story had over 6,500 hits. We try to average 7 new stories each day, with a large variety of subjects – all of which,... Continue Reading
Debunking the ‘Dropout-Of-Church-After-Graduation’ Myth
The nine-out-of-10 dropout number isn’t true. It was never true, yet many church leaders still believe it. Take a trip with me to the origins of this statistic and why it’s long past time to lay this lie to rest. “So tell me,” I asked, “why do you want to move your church toward a... Continue Reading
What Goes Into the Beer?
There are some fantastic people in the Christian publishing industry, and there are certainly great books being written. But the business as a whole has really gotten greasy. It seems the bigger the publisher, the lower the standards of orthodoxy. Dorothy Sayers’ essay, Why Work?, is still churning in my mind. I’ve really been thinking... Continue Reading
Top Stories of 2011 on The Aquila Report – Numbers 30 – 21
In 2011 The Aquila Report has posted over 2,500 stories. This week we will feature the top 50 of those stories, 10 per day the rest of the year. The top story had over 6,500 hits. We try to average 7 new stories each day, with a large variety of subjects – all of which,... Continue Reading
Completely and Unreservedly – John Stott and my conversion
Stott provided three “main secrets of spiritual development” in Basic Christianity, each one summarized by the word “duty”: Duty to God, Duty to church and duty to the world around us. Forty years later I wonder if Stott’s publisher would baulk at the word “duty.” Some would find it less than “gospel-centered.” It was forty... Continue Reading
What to Do If You Wake Up Feeling Fragile
There are mornings when I wake up feeling fragile. Vulnerable. It’s often vague. No single threat. No one weakness. Just an amorphous sense that something is going to go wrong and I will be responsible. It’s usually after a lot of criticism. Lots of expectations that have deadlines and that seem too big and too... Continue Reading
The Gaping Hole – A New Year’s resolution to trust Jesus in the now and the not yet
”I have preached way too many sermons without a conclusion, and heard too many,” says D. Clair Davis, chaplain and professor of history at Redeemer Seminary: “I’m positive that the lazy preacher’s ending, ‘Now may the Lord bless this to your hearts,’ is nothing but trash. How should the Lord bless it, that’s the … gaping hole.”... Continue Reading
Starlight, Time and the New Physics – A Short Review
Over the past ten years three scientists have made the most significant advance in physics since Einstein. But you’ve probably never heard of it, because two of them are Creationists and this discovery supports the veracity of the Bible’s creation account. For about a century the problem of distant starlight has been a challenge to... Continue Reading
Top Stories of 2011 on The Aquila Report – Numbers 40 – 31
In 2011 The Aquila Report has posted over 2,500 stories. This week we will feature the top 50 of those stories, 10 per day the rest of the year. The top story had over 6,500 hits. We try to average 7 new stories each day, with a large variety of subjects – all of which,... Continue Reading
Creation and Charity: A Six Day Creationist Proposes a Third Way
There is a reason why six day creation is not regarded as an essential doctrine in the Great Tradition. In two thousand years there has been no monolithic stance on the days of Genesis. Even if a majority of Christian interpreters have taken the traditional view, we should take notice that the interpretation over the... Continue Reading