We Need A Velvet Revolution In American Politics
We need a crop of political leaders who shun or even disdain accumulating political power (for power sake) personally, serving their country as a solemn duty rather than a political prize. I was in the Czech Republic when Vascal Havel died on December 18th and had the opportunity to attend the funeral. I admit that... Continue Reading
Know a Christian Who Seems to Love Movies More Than Jesus?
We don’t want them to lose their exuberance about anything good. We want Christ to be supreme in their hearts so that all their exuberance comes under him and for his sake. What should you do if you know someone who seems to be more excited about movies than Jesus? Many professing Christians give little... Continue Reading
The Top Five Lies Christians Believe
Americans tend to think more in terms of happiness and immediacy than joy and steadfastness. We want God to just rain down good feelings and good times. The truth however is that being happy and content in our daily lives is a byproduct of following Jesus with an obedient heart but it is not the... Continue Reading
End Time Prophesies & Responses
“Nothing is more deadly for men who do not know which way to turn in their adversity than to be deceived under the pretext of God’s name, with lies that close the door of repentance, increase the darkness of infidelity, and in the end throw them in despair into the headlong confusion of insanity.” –... Continue Reading
Would Mormons try to influence a Romney White House?
“How can a President Romney turn down a call from the First Presidency?” Karger asked. “He has been an obedient, faithful Mormon his whole life; he won’t just disregard it. I think the separation of church and state is designed to prevent exactly that.” When Switzerland passed new employment rules that ban foreign religious groups... Continue Reading
College bubble – Advice for many students and parents: Explore non-college options
“Learn a trade and become a ‘skilled worker.’ Here is a truly revolutionary concept, so radical in fact, the entire U.S. and European modern economies were built upon it. Question: Who earns more than a lawyer, a resident physician, or most company directors? Answer: a plumber.” Looking ahead at the next bubble to burst: higher... Continue Reading
Musings on The Fellowship of Presbyterians New Reformed Body Theology Document – 2. Theology Comes First
This may not be true for your congregation but I sometimes ask myself “If we have a Book of Confessions, why don’t we use it?” As we anticipate the next gathering of the Fellowship of Presbyterians I thought I would riff for a few minutes about their draft Theology Document… One month ago the Fellowship... Continue Reading
Why Short-Term Missions Matter; Response To ‘Vacationaries’
Constructing bars for Tequila sippers in Mexico is not what a group of teenagers from north of the border had in mind when they went with their church on a mission trip. I can still remember my college professor telling us in our missions class how lots of church building projects in Latin America end... Continue Reading
The Helpfulness of Adulteries by Presidential Candidates
People who aspire to the presidency want to go down in history. But if they’ve committed adultery, that overrides anything else they have ever done. As one writer has expressed it, “The fact of [the candidate’s] adultery is the philosopher’s stone that converts the rest of his life to dross.” It is often said that... Continue Reading
A Prayer for Reaffirming the Reasons We Revere and Love God
You’re not our 24/7 convenience store, nor our benevolent butler in the sky. You’re not a Genie granting wishes nor a computer waiting to be programmed by us. Your name is Abba Father, not Sugar Daddy, and we are so very thankful. We exist for your glory. You don’t exist for our pleasure. Then Satan... Continue Reading