Response to David Fitch on Mark Driscoll and the Neo-Reformed Movement
Hence, hierarchical male leadership is biblical; and while it CAN be improperly implemented so as to inhibit outward reach, that is not necessarily the case, but can be just what the church needs in furthering the work of revival and reformation in a post-Christendom world David Fitch at Reclaiming the Mission in a post entitled... Continue Reading
The difference between a lecture and a sermon
How does this sermon, as currently written/prepared, move my people’s affections in such ways that they will love Christ more as a result of hearing this?” I just finished writing my Sunday sermon on 1 Samuel 18. A few weeks ago, I began working through the life of David, beginning in 1 Samuel 16 and... Continue Reading
Hope for the PC(USA)? Perception Is Not Reality…. (Part 2)
I am offended by the implication in this paragraph that those committed to staying in the PCUSA are truly following God’s will, and those contemplating leaving are in danger of missing it. Yesterday I began a response to an open letter from “the Chicago eight” concerning the future status of the Presbyterian Church (USA). The... Continue Reading
What I Learned From My Dutch Reformed Brethren
As it is at present we have, in effect, taken on a new method of Confessional revision. We no longer insist that our Confession and Catechisms unambiguously state what we as a church unitedly believe, so that the words of our confession themselves are subordinately authoritative … Now the doctrinal authority seems more and more... Continue Reading
Academic Freedom and Confessional Integrity: A Delicate Dance
“I do believe that the things we are wrestling with show that we take the confessions more seriously than a lot of CRC congregations that have been hijacked by a generic mega-church evangelical mentality where the confessions are not a living document,” he said. “You can’t just trot out confessions when you want to put... Continue Reading
Faith vs. Religion?
While it’s certainly easy to understand why some speak of religion in a pejorative way, we must be careful to use words in their appropriate contexts in accordance with their historical definitions In our day, unlike in the days of generations past, we have much too simplistic a view of what it means to believe... Continue Reading
The New Fundamentalists – From classrooms to bureaucracies, liberals keep making new rules for people’s lives
They’d be startled to hear it, of course. But many of today’s liberals—whether sociological, political, economic, or even theological—have become the fundamentalists of our generation. The term “fundamentalist,” I fully understand, is not usually considered a compliment. And I don’t mean it as a compliment here. But, in fact, to call someone a fundamentalist has... Continue Reading
My Reflections on Racism
I want to share some thoughts on race and racism, on why I think that America is still a racist nation and why I think that racism is so insidious and pervasive. It was my privilege to speak at the Martin Luther King Breakfast at the Convention Center Monday morning in downtown Alexandria. You can... Continue Reading
The Rising of the Sun of Righteousness
If the Jewish church, when Christ came, had been in the same external glory that it was in, in the reign of Solomon, men would have had their eyes so dazzled with it that they would not have been likely joyfully to exchange such great external glory for only the spiritual glory of the poor... Continue Reading
Fighting for Eden; living in a culture where allurement to sin is everywhere
“If we are wise, we will consider whether the choices we are making are either actively building up or tearing down our homes (Proverbs 14:1)—for Scripture gives us no middle ground here.” While we might not be able to change the culture, we can create pure Eden’s—homes of purity unto the Lord. One of my... Continue Reading