Religious Liberty – The Latest Target of Obamacare
The health-care law threatens to tear gaping holes in that safety net by forcing Catholic health plans to cover contraception, by denying funds to Catholic adoption agencies, and ultimately by forcing taxpayers — including Catholics — to fund abortion. The Obama administration announced it will wait for a year (coincidentally until after the elections) before... Continue Reading
David Dickson and Exclusive Psalmody
I appreciate the vigor with which my Exclusive Psalmist brethren defend the worship of God; however, I believe they are inconsistent when applying what Scripture has to say about the worship of God, specifically in singing “new songs” and in using instruments to accompany the singing of the congregation. While preparing a Sunday School class... Continue Reading
Christian journalist: Liar. Liar, pants on fire, #2 (Exodus 1:15-21)
In our Exodus passage we are being taught that telling the truth depends on the circumstances and the parties involved because not everyone always has a right to the truth nor do we have the obligation to always be truthful Exodus 1:15-21. “The king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, ‘. . . .if... Continue Reading
Recent Challenges to the Doctrine of Inerrancy: Peter Enns and ‘Myth’ in Genesis 1
In the final analysis, what is driving Enns’s denial of the historicity and literality of Genesis 1 in favor of a figurative ancient Near Eastern worldview is his agenda to promote “theistic evolution.” Enns knows that in order to circumvent the clear teaching of creation and the fall of Adam, he needs to discount the... Continue Reading
Academic Freedom – Examining the idea that teachers are above the rules ordinary mortals go by
What of the teacher who denies the Virgin Birth or the substitutionary atonement of Jesus Christ? Has he the right in the name of academic freedom? In other words, at what point does academic “freedom” cross the line of propriety and become irresponsible license? And who is to determine that point? The teacher himself? Editor’s... Continue Reading
Why Last Saturday’s Political Conclave of Evangelical Leaders Was Dangerous
The 150 evangelical leaders who met behind closed doors on January 14 to anoint a Republican candidate for President were wise not to have invited me. I believe that Christians have an urgent duty to engage the social, economic, and moral threats to a healthy society. That requires a wide variety of political action. However,... Continue Reading
The New American Divide – The ideal of an ‘American Way of Life’ is fading.
The economic value of brains in the marketplace will continue to increase no matter what, and the most successful of each generation will tend to marry each other no matter what. As a result, the most successful Americans will continue to trend toward consolidation and isolation as a class. (Editor’s Note: This is a very... Continue Reading
Questions for those who attended the recent PCA “Meeting of Understanding”
It appears – on the surface at least – that just about all of these alleged rifts/tensions continue to revolve around the issue of subscription and that those who were among the complainers appear to not want to be measured by our current confessional standards. Not having been among those invited to attend, I was... Continue Reading
The Gospel In An Abortion Culture
As the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision approaches, most Christians recognize, and rightly so, the loss of millions of unborn human lives. What we often forget is the second casualty of an abortion culture: the consciences of countless men and women. Too often, pastors and church leaders assume that, when talking... Continue Reading
Grieving Well
In the weeks and months following my wife, Fawn’s death, I became increasingly convinced that God might have made a mistake in taking her – it should have been me I previously posted an article in The Aquila Report when my wife of 32 years, Fawn, passed away in June, 2010, called “Hitting a Stone... Continue Reading