A Response To John Frame’s The Escondido Theology
The two forewords to The Escondido Theology are written by noted theonomists. One vigorous endorsement of The Escondido Theology comes from a theonomist and Federal Visionist who denies the imputation of Christ’s righteousness in justification. It is this neonomian paradigm that conflicts with the Reformed confession. I’ve been reluctant to respond to Professor Frame’s The... Continue Reading
In Defense of Irony
Nevertheless, the example of the biblical writers tells us that we have the obligation to use every literary and rhetorical weapon in our arsenal to preserve the health of the gospel and the church. For us to refuse to ridicule the ridiculous is to be guilty of false modesty, and probably faithlessness. “You are already... Continue Reading
Point of View: Election: The first point of Arminianism
Although Southern Baptists cannot follow the full system of Arminian theology, perhaps the majority of Southern Baptists today understand biblical election as defined by James Arminius. (Florida Baptist Editor’s note: This article is the second in a series of 12 columns that will be published in 2012 addressing the always controversial theological issues surrounding how... Continue Reading
A New Crime Wave at American Universities – What has China to do with State U?
If we have learned anything from two millennia of church history and from 20th century history, we have learned that when any government or any organization or any power structure seeks to stop Christianity it actually ends up promoting a vibrant faith in Christ “All other religions flourish when Christianity’s beacon of light shines brightly.”... Continue Reading
How to Pull Out of the Burnout Spiral
In my experience, unwillingness to accept feedback necessarily creates growing isolation, and even paranoia and anger. This downward spiral can only be arrested by humble repentance—something that always brings joy, shows us our sin (and limitations!) but even more, Christ’s glory and work and the Father’s love. Last year I greatly enjoyed getting to know... Continue Reading
Your “Spiritual-But-Not-Religious” Neighbor
How do Christians speak of Jesus to this rising generation of very spiritual people who have had a “personal experience of the pantheistic “god-within”? This new Postsecular context demands a worldview approach to our Gospel presentation. When I came to the United States in 1964, the great enemy of the Christian Faith was Marxism, with... Continue Reading
Ten Reasons to Believe in a Historical Adam
Without a common descent we lose any firm basis for believing that all people regardless of race or ethnicity have the same nature, the same inherent dignity, the same image of God, the same sin problem, and that despite our divisions we are all part of the same family coming from the same parents. In... Continue Reading
A Puritan’s ‘war against religion’
Roger Williams, the Puritan who founded Rhode Island, insisted on the state refraining from intervening in the relationship between humans and God. In January, while conservative Christians and GOP presidential candidates were charging that “elites” have launched “a war against religion,” a federal court in Rhode Island ordered a public school to remove a prayer... Continue Reading
Just Tell Me What You Want; Clarity and Honesty Might Help
To what extent should a member of the PCA expect he could worship with a comfortable conscience regardless of what congregation he may attend on a Sunday? How much uniformity can we expect? How much diversity can we live with? I do not think this is in any way the only issue. But, I think... Continue Reading
The Heart of the Matter
In ministry, we are not unlike dentists. There is room in our relationships for general conversation. (“The weather and the state of the roads,” as Jane Austen put it.) But if we never bring our chatter around to the matter of spiritual decay and disease and the Remedy for both, we aren’t very useful. My... Continue Reading