Pastoral Malpractice
The extent of the problem is entirely missed by “grace only” preaching. Hypocrites, “false professors”, as the Puritans called them, and the self-deceived, all professing believers, all members of the visible church, have to be taken into account as the church’s preaching even as they are in the Apostles’ epistles. “Cheap grace” is the term... Continue Reading
The Grace of The Law
Finally, we turn to the law of God because sometimes we need to do things just because God says so. In the garden, God told Adam and Eve not to eat the tree, but he never told them why. Some of us simply hate to follow a direction unless we know all the reasons why... Continue Reading
Comments on Second Corinthians 7:11 and Repentance
Returning from a counseling session, Pastor Dave Dively of Redeemer PCA in Louisville, KY was thrilled to once again see God work through an issue of repentance in the life of a fellow believer. He posted these comments for a number of friends and gave permission for The Aquila Report to publish it with the... Continue Reading
Ignorance Isn’t Bliss – On Bart Ehrman, Ignorance, Conspiracy Theories, and the Bible
And when the pastor stands in the pulpit to preach on John 8 and never mentions any of the text-critical issues with that passage, the congregation, all of whom are aware of the problem because they all have study Bibles with notes at that point, walk away not any better equipped to study their Bibles... Continue Reading
What Compromise? This Policy Leaves Religious Liberty in Peril and Planned Parenthood Smiling
Anyone who celebrates this “compromise” as a victory is hiding behind an accounting trick. That accounting trick cannot hide the great moral tragedy at the heart of the President’s policy — a policy that leaves religious liberty in peril and Planned Parenthood smiling. President Obama walked into the White House Press Room on Friday and... Continue Reading
Ligon Duncan on Lloyd-Jones
His wise counsel. “Keep the music in its place. It is handmaiden, a servant, and it must not be allowed to dominate or to control in any sense.” This is guidance more needed today than ever before. The new 40th anniversary edition of Preaching and Preachers contains essays from several contemporary preachers, including a piece... Continue Reading
Turning Away From False Teachers
The ones who truly cause destructive division and disharmony, the ungodly dissensions and hindrances about which Paul speaks here, are those who promote and practice falsehood and unrighteousness. No institution or movement can rightly claim unity in Christ if they are not unified in and by His Word. “Now I urge you, brethren, keep your... Continue Reading
Speaking About the Unspeakable – Suicide prevention experts recommend getting students to talk about their problems
A 2010 study conducted by James C. Turner, executive director of Health Services at the University of Virginia, shows suicide to be the second most common cause of death among 18- to 24-year-old college students A little more than a year ago, Devon Minor disappeared from the campus of Geneva College, in Beaver Falls, Penn.... Continue Reading
The Gospel According to Obama and The Gospel According to Sebelius
You want to do religion? Get thee to a nunnery. You want shelter from the power of the state? Get out of your soup kitchen and back to your pews. Outside, Leviathan rules. At the National Prayer Breakfast last week, seeking theological underpinning for his drive to raise taxes on the rich, President Obama invoked... Continue Reading
The War on Christians: The Rising Genocide—Newsweek Powerfully Weighs In
“…the scale and severity of Islamophobia pales in comparison with the bloody Christophobia currently coursing through Muslim-majority nations from one end of the globe to the other.” Then the author bluntly says that “The conspiracy of silence surrounding this violent expression of religious intolerance has to stop.” The grim news has been unrelenting. Every week... Continue Reading