The Glory of God’s Sustaining Grace When Our Prayers Aren’t Answered
And God answers prayer! Yet, God sometimes brings greater glory to himself — and greater help to his church — when he doesn’t do exactly what we ask of him. The one who knows the end from the beginning is in a much better place to determine how to answer the prayers of his saints... Continue Reading
What If We Lost Wartime Conscientious Objector Exemptions?
Last Friday, President Obama responded to Catholic bishops’ concerns over his controversial mandate compelling Catholic institutions to provide contraception, sterilization, and abortion-inducing pharmaceuticals. Many media sources reported Obama’s action as an “accommodation,” with some describing it as a “reversal.” It is hardly that. Many Catholics find it arguably worse. Without dissecting the president’s action, the... Continue Reading
Always Mardi Gras and Never Easter
This is the reason why self-control is a fruit of the Spirit rather than an achievement of the flesh (Gal. 5:23). We want what we want. But the discipline of God teaches us, slowly, to put old appetites to death and to whet new ones. Through the Spirit, we learn to crucify “the flesh with... Continue Reading
The Historical Adam: Is all the discussion going somewhere?
[D]espite laudable aims, the posts are more likely to contribute to further erosion of the authority and inerrancy of Scripture. Why? Because despite appearing to tackle the core issue, they don’t. Creation and Adam and Eve discussions continue to engage the attention of the Presbyterian and Reformed community at large. William Evans at Reformation21 takes... Continue Reading
44 Church Growth Principles that are Real and Work!
Do not be afraid to preach biblical stewardship and how to handle money. If you do not know how, acquire resources to help you. Stewardship and generosity are sure signs of the health of your church. A stifled church, no matter how many are attending, will always have financial problems, where a small, poor church... Continue Reading
Response to the Dissent from PCA Ohio Presbytery’s Intinction Report
When the priests offered the sacrifices, the blood was spilt and sprinkled and it was the body that was then offered up. Jesus fulfilled these types in the spilling of His blood and the sacrifice of His body. Therefore, it is important in our commemoration that not only in our words but in the very... Continue Reading
Constantine, Enculturation, and the Church’s Mission
Surveys show that the church crowds are beginning to reflect the same materialism and relativism as the general population. Could it be that, as in the days of Constantine, a sub-Christian worldview is being allowed to come in and take over the church? Does history repeat itself? Not really, but sometimes there are interesting parallels.... Continue Reading
Country Singers and Psalmists Sing Sad Songs
Here is where sad songs come it, particularly country ones. They tell you that your misery has company and is understood: “Once upon a time there was tomorrow, but that was yesterday and yesterday’s gone.” The news on depression is somewhat depressing. The popular story, and the one you are still most likely to hear... Continue Reading
Courageous Protestantism? Some Reflections on David Wells’s Analysis of the Contemporary Church: A Review Article
This then raises a further problem: if the cause of the transformation of Christian life and practice is not consumerism but the whole capitalist dynamic of our society, then the answer David gives—a return to what we might call traditional, confessional Protestantism—starts to look less promising, or at least more complicated. Introduction For nearly two... Continue Reading
“Planting, Watering, Growing: Planting Confessionally Reformed Churches in the 21st Century”: A Review
“We don’t plant churches just to reach the underfed; we plant churches to also reach those who have never been fed, who need to be led – like the Samaritan woman – to the well of Jesus.” The plethora of books, articles, and conferences on church planting has caught the attention of many within Reformed... Continue Reading