The Last (Brief) Word: Richard Belcher Replies to Jack Collins’s Reply
Editors’ Note: Below is Dr. Richard Belcher, Jr.’s reply to Dr. C. John Collins’s reply. We give Dr. Belcher the last word. I thank Dr. Collins for his response to my “review” of his book. My response will be limited to what I see as the main issues arising from the substance of his book.... Continue Reading
Rick Santorum and My Daily News Feed
The combination of these two errors brings about an unfortunate result: Evangelicals are trained, perhaps subconsciously, that being a thoughtful Christian in politics simply means voting for the candidate who appears most Christian. It suggests that we should choose candidates based on party or evangelical allegiance rather than by a logical assessment of the situation... Continue Reading
Covenant Seminary professor replies to Richard Belcher’s Critique of Collins’ book, ‘Did Adam and Eve Really Exist?”
[In Genesis 2:7] The verb “form,” as J. Oliver Buswell observed, “gives no specifications as to the process by which the forming was accomplished. The result is all that is specified. Moses is here referring to the simple, obvious fact that the human body is made of the common elements of the soil” C. JOHN... Continue Reading
Why I Hope Real Books Never Die (and They Won’t)
Books have not been around forever. There are other ways to put words together on paper, papyrus, or cow’s hide. So it’s possible something else will come along to take the book down from the shelf. But it won’t be the iPad I’m using right now. It won’t be the laptop on which I’ve written... Continue Reading
Misrepresented by Leading Pastor (Tim Keller)
I don’t necessarily believe that people like Tim Keller have deliberately misrepresented me and others like me who take the stand we do on Genesis. I think they haven’t really understood what we are saying in relation to the loss of biblical authority. And I personally believe one of the reasons they don’t understand is... Continue Reading
Thoughts on ‘Midnight in Paris’
Nostalgia is at the root of much of what goes on all around us. Some seem nostalgic for the myth of the old Confederacy, some for the myth of the 1960s. Some think we’d be better off if we could just get back to the “family values” of the 1950s, and some imagine a prehistoric... Continue Reading
Grace For Today, And Not A Drop More
When I get to tomorrow’s troubles, God will be there with sufficient grace. The problem with my imagination is that it always leaves God out of the equation. It always imagines a future in which God has forgotten to show up. My imagination is terrible at predicting the future. I mean seriously, it really stinks.... Continue Reading
Where Was the Church When the Lights Went Out?
“[T]he purpose of discipline is to bring about the reconciliation of man to God and man to man and to engage the people of God in the ministry of reconciliation, and to promote the peace, purity, and edification of the church.” Several years ago, a friend and I were asked to cover four Wednesday evenings... Continue Reading
When the Accounts Are Called: A Christian Understanding of Gambling
Gambling corrupts the culture, polluting everything it touches. Recent scandals in college basketball are proof positive that gambling is not a problem limited to casinos and horse tracks. Ominously, industry executives see great promise in the development of on-line gambling over the Internet, bringing gambling to every computer terminal and overcoming state regulation. The nationwide... Continue Reading
Twelve Tips For Christian Couples Who Want A Happy Marriage
Also, never take “relationship” advice, especially when it goes against the desires of your spouse, from people who have failed to keep their own marriages and relationships together…Oh, and people of the opposite sex should never be your “best friends.” In ten years of marriage counseling, I’ve noticed certain problems that tend to be present... Continue Reading