Putting the “Style” Back into Buffet Style
The goal is to spend time with your guests and not your pots and pans. As a college student once said to his mom when he came home for semester break, “I didn’t come here to see you cook.” Hospitable ministry women sacrifice their time to meet the needs of others. (see Philippians 2:4) They... Continue Reading
Penn State and the failure of men
What kind of man sees or hears a child being raped, or suspects rape, and leaves the child to his fate? The kind of man with low character and a heaping helping of cowardice. What must a child think when a man rapes him or when another man sees him in peril and walks away?... Continue Reading
The need for discriminating preaching and the danger of its absence
I was struck again today by the simple, devastating indictment that 2 Kings 17:33 makes against generic religion: “So they feared the LORD but also served their own gods.” This brief summary describes the mixed multitude of Assyrians who were settled in the fallen nation of Israel. Because of God’s judgment on them and their... Continue Reading
Vanderbilt University’s First Amendment Right to Despise Christianity
Vanderbilt has a history of excluding groups that express messages antithetical to the one it wants to convey… In 1960, the university expelled a black Divinity School student, James Lawson, for his participation in peaceful sit-in protests of lunch-counter segregation in the Nashville community Vanderbilt University has decided that campus student religious groups may not... Continue Reading
It’s Better To Debate Than Downsize – Op-Ed on Cooperative Baptist Fellowship future
Southern Seminary President Albert Mohler predicts the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship will split over the issue of homosexuality. Meanwhile, Kentucky Baptist Convention Executive Director Paul Chitwood announced incentives for employees to take early retirement or resign voluntarily as part of a “strategic realignment” of staff. All this raises an interesting question: Is it better to risk... Continue Reading
Grace at the Grocery Store
She has heard about species like me – “breeders” who stay home with small, unintelligent children all day – but she never expected to meet one in real life. I don’t need to feel as though I look like something the cat dragged home, even though I might. “Spiritual struggle” isn’t usually the first thing... Continue Reading
Presbyterian schism isn’t just about ordination of gay clergy
To many supporters — including me — the move from PCUSA to a new denomination called the Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians is all about religion. It’s about biblical Scripture. Colorado Springs’ First Presbyterian Church, of which I am a member, is taking the first steps toward leaving the Presbyterian Church, USA — some would... Continue Reading
My big fun family – A small town Reformed Baptist visits a big city Presbyterian church
The many mirrors and white cinder block walls render the Presbyterian bathroom a purgatory of self-revelation. There I met a woman named Mrs. Butterfield who has a Ph.D. My eyebrows shot up, for in my red-doored church the phenomenon of a Ph.D., particularly a female one, might crack the stained glass. At home I attend... Continue Reading
On Constantly Taking Your Church’s Temperature
Love the church that is actually “among you,” not the one you wish was there. God in his wisdom has not placed you there to be a busybody or malcontent That voice in your head that keeps rehearsing the disappointments and flaws of your church is not from the Lord. It is the accuser, helping... Continue Reading
Why Hope? Grace! (A sermon on Grace from John Piper)
Sanctified by Grace. The third step in our salvation is sanctification by the Spirit. Verse 13: “God chose you from the beginning to be saved through sanctification by the Spirit.” Remember, sanctification is the process of becoming more like Christ. It’s the day-by-day working out of what it means to be chosen and called by... Continue Reading