All Mankind, Descending from Him [Adam]…?
Every Christian who is truly submitted to the Bible’s authority needs to be alert to this recent development [i.e., that the descent of all human beings from Adam has been increasingly called into question by scientists, biblical scholars, and others who consider themselves evangelical or even Reformed Christians] and clear about the consequences of these... Continue Reading
Mayhem in the Making: A Political Circus, an Out-of-Control Government Bureaucracy, and a Distracted Populace
Make no mistake, while Americans are busy quibbling over which political savior is best-suited to rescue us from certain destruction, the government’s outrages—runaway spending, graft, pork barrel legislation, corporate collusion, and so on—are continuing to mount. Unmitigated waste, profligate spending and inexcusable mismanagement—the common denominators between all government agencies—perfectly illustrate the magnitude of the problem... Continue Reading
How The Apostle Paul Did Evangelism Back In The Day
Introduction The Apostle Paul did not have a “Church-centered” evangelism. The Apostle Paul went wherever he could in order to preach the Gospel. In Acts 17:17, we read that Paul debated in the synagogues and in the marketplace with those who happened to be there. I think one of the big mistakes in American Christianity... Continue Reading
Holiness Wars: What is Antinomianism?
“Christ-centered Antinomianism, argues that God sees no sin in believers, because they are in Christ, who kept the law for them, and therefore what they actually do makes no difference, provided that they keep believing…” –J. I. Packer Writing at a time of intense controversy and division within Reformed ranks, the English Puritan Richard Sibbes... Continue Reading
Steven Lawson at Ligonier: A foolish message, a foolish messenger and a foolish method
“God has intentionally reached to the bottom of the barrel,” said Lawson. “We didn’t make the ‘Who’s Who’ list, or even the ‘Who’s Not.’ We are God’s first round lottery picks … God has passed over the kings and mighty of this world in order to take ordinary people like you and me to give... Continue Reading
Hell, Heaven, and the NFL in Between
War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it,” Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman famously said during the (un)Civil War. In 1880 he orated before 10,000 or so Ohioans, “There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell.” Baseball, on the other hand, is not hell.... Continue Reading
Chrislam for Human Flourishing?
Volf’s version of “Chrislam” only confirms the conclusions of the syncretistic Insider Movement which counsels Muslim converts to Jesus to remain in the Mosque and practice a “Christianized” form of their Muslim faith. We live in a period of theological confusion that the book, Allah: A Christian Response by Miroslav Volf, does little to alleviate.... Continue Reading
The Changing Face of Today’s Missionaries
Last year 400,000 missionaries were sent around the world; 127,000, or less than one-third, came from the United States. Brazil has now become the second largest missionary sending country; they sent 34,000 missionaries last year, many of them going to the U.S. There is an ancient Chinese proverb that says, “May you live in interesting... Continue Reading
What Jeremiah and Ezekiel Can Teach the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street
In other words, what God desires for a politically healthy nation with a strong Christian influence is not a society top-heavy with complicated laws and omnipresent bureaucracy, but a society of decent people who need few laws because their character largely suffices as law and who demand few government services because they serve each other.... Continue Reading
Rest in Print, Britannica: An Elegy for an Encyclopedia
As a boy, I used to sneak a couple of volumes of the encyclopedia under the front seats of our family station wagon so that on vacation trips……My guess is that, all things being equal, a boy my age riding along in the family’s Prius this summer is more likely to be playing Angry Birds... Continue Reading