Standing Firm – Religious leaders remain unified in the contraceptive debate while expanding their legal battle
O’Brien Industrial Holdings (OIH), whose subsidiaries extract and process refractory and ceramic raw materials, has more than 100 employees, subjecting O’Brien to the employer healthcare mandate. OIH’s mission, as stated on its website is “to make our labor a pleasing offering to the Lord while enriching our families and society.” Despite the Obama administration’s efforts... Continue Reading
Say that Again – Reflections on Philippians 3:1
My son and I don’t speak the same language. He is three years old and is fluent in Amharic and Wolataita. I, like most adult Americans, am limited to English only (since the Greek I took in college got me a husband but not much linguistic proficiency.) Over the two weeks our new son has... Continue Reading
How the Apostates Take Over, Part 2
Today, the flood waters continue to rise and are even encroaching into some evangelical churches. But thank God for those who still stand strong, for they represent the last great hope for biblical submission. We need the evangelical church to refuse to put on the garment of compromise, to not bow to the gods of... Continue Reading
NYC Redeemer Presbyterian’s New Building and Yours
There is certainly room for churches to decide to what extent they should do things to demonstrate the beauty of God in their building. But I would argue that utilitarianism is not the path of spirituality. God created beauty for us to enjoy. We can’t sacrifice everything on the altar of beauty, but if the... Continue Reading
Should We Still Believe in a Historical Adam?
Does it not follow, if one removes the historicity of Adam from the equation and if our historical forefather Adam is not responsible for our condition of sin and misery, that someone else must bear that responsibility? It seems to this author that the necessary consequence is to make God responsible for the evil we... Continue Reading
Christian Wives Talk Thriving With Nonbelieving Husbands
Both women emphasized that it’s often more powerful to represent Christ in your actions rather than trying to nag or pressure your spouse into coming to church or becoming a Christian. The Bible is clear about not being “unequally yoked,” but what if you become a Christian once married and your spouse doesn’t follow suit?... Continue Reading
How to Fire Your Pastor (Part 3 of 3)
Theologian Dr. Dennis E. Johnson captures the heart of our concern when he writes: “In Scripture the starting point of instruction on right behavior is not a list of our duties, but a declaration of God’s saving achievement, bringing us into a relationship of favor with him.” Q. Sometimes, even in a mature church, a... Continue Reading
What Should You Read? Not everything, that’s for sure!
But Dabney points out that the most dangerous aspect about novels is their often covert agendas and the exposure to scenes of sin. Of all such novels, Dabney argues that those calling themselves “Christian” are the worst… Last week, Tim Challies and David Murray’s Connected Kingdom was on reading literature. As Christians, should we read... Continue Reading
The One Year Rule For New Pastors
In one of my first pastorates I made the mistake of trying to change things too quickly. I was a young Seminary graduate. In my mind I knew more than the Church did and I was there to change things in whatever way I could, even by strangulation, if necessary – all to the glory... Continue Reading
Top Ten Reasons Not to Attend or Join a Reformed Baptist Church
3. The expectations are too high…… 4. The sermons are too long and complicated 8. There are not enough programs…… 9. They don’t do altar calls…… A tongue-in-cheek list of the reasons you should not attend or join a Reformed Baptist Church: 1. The doctrine is too defined. Come on…. I mean the Second London... Continue Reading