Doug Wilson, Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, and YOU
It is not true that we can just get mad in the next four years and then get a super-duper Republican to take out the Democrat candidate. We are headed to the point of no return under Obama. Romney is not the savior, but he is so vastly superior to the current President, that I... Continue Reading
Three Lies Too Many Christians Believe
Lie #1: The Gospel Goes Forth by Political Power Lie #2: The Gospel of the Sinner’s Prayer Lie #3: Prosperity and Power Prove the Gospel It’s the Easter season, the fifty days in which Christians celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. The Acts of the Apostles, the “history book” of the New Testament, is remarkably... Continue Reading
When Does the “Big Tent” Become “Too” Big? A Look at the PCA Prior to General Assembly (Part III)
There are most definitely a number of church affiliations or denominations whose tent became so big that they eventually collapsed under the weight of their diversity. Could it happen to the PCA as well? Yes it could. In this third installment (Part I and Part II) of a look at the PCA before the 40th... Continue Reading
Meditations from Jefferson’s Grave
Thomas Jefferson is still dead. I thank God for him, but standing at his grave reminds me how limited even his legacy can be, in the grand scheme of trillions of years of cosmic time. Last week I stood at the grave of Thomas Jefferson, and wondered. I was in Charlottesville to speak at the... Continue Reading
The Hyper-Addictive, Time-Sucking, Relationship-Busting, Mind-Crushing, Power and Allure of Silly Digital Games
As people, (and especially young adolescent males), do more gaming, and less reading, we are actually becoming more stupid. This is not my assessment, but comes from the “all the news that’s fit to print” New York Times! Monday’s New York Times Magazine (April 8, 2012) cover story is entitled—“The Hyperaddictive, Time-Sucking, Relationship-Busting, Mind-Crushing Power... Continue Reading
Christless Christianity – As Dangerous As Islamic Law
The Islamic world looks at the “Christian” west as self-indulgent, decadent and ripe for the picking. They are right, and their answer is Sharia law – holiness enforced from without. LETTER TO THE EDITOR(In response to Terry Jones anti Sharia protest rally in Dearborn) I am a Michigan native, though I have not lived there... Continue Reading
Be Missional or be……irrelevant?
Traditional churches must wake up and reinvent themselves if they are to remain — or become — relevant, some Christian leaders say. “We have to think the way missionaries think,” said Larry Hovis, executive coordinator of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina. Thinking like missionaries is necessary to relevantly preach the gospel in an... Continue Reading
Should schools teach evolution or intelligent design or both? How Property Rights Solve Problems
“Whether restaurant owners should allow smoking is not a public-policy problem. It’s a totally private issue, and the person who should make the decision is the property-rights owner.” Should restaurants allow smoking or not? Should schools teach evolution or intelligent design or both? Should insurance companies cover contraception? Should I be able to take off... Continue Reading
Regulating prayer? – We need a fresh look by the Supreme Court at the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause
The Founding Fathers prayed together and turned to Scriptures in their deliberations. They clearly never intended to make government programs a tool to stop prayer. The drive to push all religious expression out of the public sphere is a hopeless task anyway. Scriptures already are inscribed in plenty of government places—the Washington Monument, the U.S.... Continue Reading
Can We Be Positive about Psychiatric Medications?
Group 2: Those who feel unsure, guilty or ashamed because either they are taking medication or their children are taking medication. I would like to think that we have not compounded your pain, but I suspect that this group has overheard some comments from biblical counseling that have made them feel worse. He is forty-two-years-old... Continue Reading