Is Carl (Trueman) Losing His Edge?
But when so many downloads are available and so many broadcasts are a turn-of-the-dial away, using celebrity to nurture a taste for average pastors is little bit like going to Citizens Bank Park to groom fans for the Doylestown, Pennsylvania’s American Legion team. We had counted on Carl Trueman, the left-leaning emoticonoclastic Orthodox Presbyterian pastor,... Continue Reading
Creating the Bible in Our Image of God (or vice-versa?)
I suppose that title is a bit confusing. What I mean is this: what we think of God can be seen in what we expect of the Bible as God’s Word. Here is one example. If your vision of God is primarily (not exclusively) of a sovereign king, enthroned above, who communicates to his subjects... Continue Reading
Is Anyone More Holy than Anyone Else? The Missing Category of the ‘Righteous Man’
So, what exactly is a “righteous” person? Surely we cannot suggest that all these passages are simply referring to the imputed righteousness of Christ (as important as that is). “No one is more holy than anyone else.” That was the statement I heard in a recent sermon. At first, I thought I must have misheard... Continue Reading
Letting the Liturgy Speak
For the unbeliever, worship is as foreign as breathing underwater. We cannot expect them to appreciate an act in which they have made no investment even when they superficially understand it. The Church worships because she loves the Lord. She has learned over time how best to worship him and it is for each and... Continue Reading
Ross Douthat on Rooting Out Bad Religion
Why the New York Times columnist wants to see America return to its confessional roots. He sees problems with Oprah, Health and Wealth, Glenn Beck and the Bush (II) White House/Republican fusion, but has praise for Luther (Douthat is a Roman Catholic!), Lincoln, Romney and C. S. Lewis, concluding: “Mere Christianity” is a hallway with... Continue Reading
Evangelicals Copy More of Catholic Playbook to Oppose Contraception Ruling
“This is one of the more remarkable displays of unity that I’ve seen in a long time,” said Paul Kengor, a political science professor at Grove City College. “The most common tactic or response Catholics and evangelicals will probably pursue is within the courts. It’s not that they sought this issue; this came to them.”... Continue Reading
Pete Enns Might Be Right
[N. T.] Wright affirms that the faith to which he subscribes is naturalistic, working within ordinary human processes and caring nothing for “doctrinal permits or passports to salvation.” It would also seem that Wright has come to the same conclusion as Enns—doctrines such as plenary inspiration and special creation are not inconsequential side issues, but... Continue Reading
Is Facebook Making Us Lonely, Distracted, and Narcissistic?
We find it difficult to read, to reflect, to pray, or to do anything else that requires sustained attention, precisely because we are assaulted by emails, text messages, tweets, and Facebook updates. We have got to find some way to carve out time in our lives for deeply human activities such as reading, contemplation, prayer,... Continue Reading
Post-resurrection politics
In post-resurrection political life, government should help people do what Christ redeemed them to do: Govern themselves in holiness and serve one another in love. Just days after Resurrection Sunday, we are all no doubt occupied in our thoughts with the risen Savior. The resurrection of Christ changed everything. The pagan world passed from tragedy... Continue Reading
Two BioLogos Models (‘Retelling’ and ‘Homo divinus’) for Reconciling Adam with Evolution – In Their Own Words
“The two tentative models presented here may be seen as a work in progress. Both models are heavily under-determined by the data, meaning that there is insufficient data to decide either way. Both models might be false and a third type of model might be waiting in the wings ready to do a much better... Continue Reading