The Flags at the Cemetery
The Images Of Memorial Day
Sadly, we’re currently amid a period when we’ll observe a palpable increase in the flags at the cemetery, and a corresponding decrease in the gentlemen talking about the war at the hospital or McDonald’s. It’s a process that’s irreversible. There’s nothing we mere mortals can do about it. It’s in God’s hands.
Confessional Churches?
The need for hearty, honest initial and continued subscription to the Confession.
“There is room for examining and reviewing all human creeds and doctrinal articles” in the light of Scripture, for “it is possible that our Fathers have erred.” --John Dick, 1796
Marriage: A Blood Covenant With a Threefold Purpose (Part 2 of 3)
You know, this year I kept thinking of a Beatles' song that I remembered back in the 60s, because my wife still needs me and she still feeds me and I am 64
15 Characteristics of Great Church Leaders
Leaders make mistakes, but create blame-free cultures. "I'd rather reward a great failure, than a mediocre success," Upton commented. Failure without blame is not a bad thing for organizations, and part of the learning curve of innovative cultures.
Hard Versus Bad – Which Marriage Is Yours?
If you and your spouse nag each other about picking up the clothes on the floor or backing the car in the garage the right way, your marriage is normal. If you or your spouse secretly unplugs the dishwasher because you think your spouse doesn't use it properly and therefore shouldn't be allowed to use it, your marriage is not.
SBC Seminary Commencement Address: “To Utter What Has Been Hidden Since the Foundation of the World”
Christ declares that his kingdom is explosive in its growth. The kingdom of heaven is like a tiny mustard seed, which explodes in growth and produces massive growth. The kingdom of heaven is like leaven that a woman hides in flour. A tiny lump of leaven leavens the whole loaf. The Gospel is like a contagion that cannot be stopped, and Christ’s rule is irresistible energy. The kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ is unshakable, unstoppable, unquenchable.
Why it’s so important to affirm two kingdoms: Calvin on the Lord’s Prayer
From all this it is clear that the two kingdoms doctrine is better understood as a doctrine of two ages and two governments, rather than of two realms. For as the power of the kingdom extends in this present evil age, believers are to walk “in Christ” (that is, in the power of the kingdom of the age to come) in everything that they do. On the other hand, the world in which they do this still very much remains the present evil age, governed by God’s providential rule and by coercive government.
How to Thrive in College
Today, seven out of ten high school graduates immediately go on to college, but about 30% will never become sophomores, and almost half will not have graduated even six years later. Many who do graduate move right back home with their parents, assuming little responsibility and armed with little ambition for Christ.
Marriage: A Blood Covenant With a Threefold Purpose (Part 1 of 3)
So as we look at the inception of marriage under the Old Testament, we discover that it involves, as all blood covenants do, the shedding of blood. And we discover that virginity was a very special and treasured thing in the law of God. And it is special and treasured because it is part of... Continue Reading
Deuteronomy 31:9-13 and Public Scripture Reading
It is becoming increasingly more popular in many Christian churches… to denigrate the public ministry of the Word, and to displace it with all kinds of other things that are deemed “more effective” for “reaching people,” things like movies, skits, and musical performances. To give serious attention to Scripture readings from representative portions of the... Continue Reading