Amarillo By Morning (Smith and Wesson on My Mind) – by Mike Adams
To date, there have been 16 refereed studies that have concluded that violent crime goes down as a result of concealed carry laws. About 10 refereed studies have shown the results of concealed carry laws to be inconclusive with regard to violent crime. No refereed studies – I repeat, zero refereed studies – have shown... Continue Reading
Jamie Smith’s Surprising Concession in his critical response to ‘2K’ theology – by D. G. Hart
It seems to me that on the basis of Smith’s reading of Augustine the Calvin professor is a welcome contribution to the neo-Calvinist world. The reason is that he sees how ecclesial Augustine was. And one of the foremost concerns of contemporary 2kers is to restore to the church her unique calling. To do that... Continue Reading
What Does It Mean To Be Biblically Balanced? – by Tullian Tchividjian
My point is simply this: to be “Biblically balanced” is NOT to allot equal airtime to every Biblical theme. To be Biblically balanced is to let our theology and preaching be proportioned by the Bible’s radically disproportionate focus on God’s saving love for sinners seen and accomplished in the crucified and risen Christ.
Marriage: A Blood Covenant With a Threefold Purpose (Part 3 of 3) – by Bob Vincent
…you know what your children know? They listen through the door. Did you know that? Your children eavesdrop on you. They hear your yammering away and fussing with each other. They hear you when you cuss each other behind the bedroom door. Yeah, they hear that stuff, and they chalk it up. They are just hypocrites. You are just hypocrites. Your children see your hypocrisy
The media’s religion deficit – by Cal Thomas
Evidence of big media’s bias against religion that doesn’t advance the secular and liberal agenda of the Democratic Party is beyond dispute. Any faith attached to a conservative agenda is to be ridiculed, stereotyped, and misrepresented. Islam is a notable exception. The media appear to bend over backward not to offend Muslims.
Christian Freedom: Grasping the Motivation to Love – by David Jones
We should note the Scripture's use of the word “fear” in two distinct senses. There is the fear of terror and dread, and the fear of veneration and honor. The fear of terror makes us want to run away and hide; the fear of honor leads us to stand in awe and worship. The gospel removes the fear of terror as a source of motivation in the Christian life.
Reflections for Memorial Day – by Ray Nothstine
Take time to learn the sacrifice of those sailors and what they endured for our country. The book of Deuteronomy declares, “Remember the days of old; consider the generations long past.”
What Kind of Bigger Tent? – By D. Clair Davis
Do my tents have much to do with other peoples’ tents? Are they nervous about seeing what else there is in the Bible? Have they read those thousands of pages of N. T. Wright or are they just passing on blogs? (No, I haven’t done my reading either, but at least I don’t pretend I have.) Is there more in the Bible than in the old-time religion?
How the “Worship Wars” Often Miss the Real Issue – by Michael Horton
The most important divide is over this question: Do we come to church primarily to receive or primarily to do something? In other words, is God not only the object but the primary actor in the service, or are we?
BioLogos, Theistic Evolution, and Misplaced Confidence – by Michael Kruger
On the other hand, refusing to adopt theistic evolution also has a price. We would be mocked and ridiculed by the world. But, given the choice between these two prices—losing the doctrine of imputation or being mocked and ridiculed by the world—I will pay the latter. After all, the latter is true already.