The Absent Minded Husband
It seemed quaintly cute that gifted men could not remember that dinner was at 6:00. Then I married my own wonderful, absent minded husband.
When I was younger, I remember listening in amazed delight at the stories of my absent minded grandfather. My grandmother seemed to take it all in stride, and often laughed about the turn that life could take with an absent minded husband. Other pastor’s wives had similar stories, and as kids we called absent mindedness... Continue Reading
Who Draws the Line?
Jesus grants authority to order worship and to declare doctrine to the Church
Those who are the most well known and have the biggest blogs gain the most market share and actually become the doctrinal arbiters of our electronic age. In this new media world, the idea that the church as a corporate body actually has authority to declare doctrine and judge on doctrinal issues is anathema.
10 Reasons to Under-program Your Church
Or, How Not To mirror the “Type-A family” mode of suburban achievers
Always ask “Should we?” before you ask “Can we?” Always ask “Will this please God?” before you ask “Will this please our people?” Always ask “Will this meet a need?” before you ask “Will this meet a demand?”
No “Next Big Thing”?—Bad Conclusion!
How many “believers” will find their way into the suffocating arms of religionless Gospel-less Christianity?
For Bass “religionless Christianity” is the elimination of creeds and dogmas, of authority structures and inhibiting moral codes, of a propositional, inerrant Bible. She hails a movement borne along on the breath of an undefined “Spirit” into an age of pure inner experience. This Awakening has nothing to do with historic Christianity. Bass notes that... Continue Reading
First They Came For…Then They Came For…
It is not homosexuals, but Bible believing Christians who are facing increasing discrimination in society
We evangelicals are currently going through the process of demonization, the fact that evangelicals as a group are the most charitable people on earth, or that they have created the freest and most tolerant societies is being conveniently forgotten, and the myth of the ignorant, ranting, gay basher is being spread far and wide. The... Continue Reading
Contending For Creation
Every issue in some manner or form comes back to an origins question
Let’s not be weenies with our words here. Not believing in 6/24 creation might not mean you’re a heretic going to hell, but believing you’re a born-again, Holy-Spirit baptized, justified-adopted-sanctified, persevering-to-glory child of God who rejoices in the freedom of his sexual fornication IS a damning conviction
Observations of a (PCA) GA Noob*
Governing the church is part and parcel of the mission
For those of you who don’t know, every year, presbyteries, sessions, and even individual church members can take the opportunity to send requests — called “overtures” — to the General Assembly. Before those requests make it to the floor for the consideration of the full Assembly, they are first referred to a committee, where they’re debated and voted upon at that level.
Could gay marriage debate drive young Christians from church?
A Critique of Rachel Held Evans' interview on MSNBC
We shouldn’t evaluate Christian sexual ethics on the basis of how much they may or may not “alienate” people. We have to base our beliefs on what scripture teaches, not on what we think people may be offended by. There will always be people who hate the light and who won't come to it. We do not turn off the light so that those folks can have room to stretch out.
Can Baptists Be Reformed? Is this a contradiction in terms?
A Baptist’s Response to Bill Smith
It is also of interest to note that Smith’s own Confession, the Westminster Confession of Faith (WCF), uses the term “sacrament” in chapters XIV and XXVII-XXIX in various places. It also uses the word “ordinance” to refer to baptism (XXVIII.5-6) and the Lord’s Supper (XXIX.3). Which is it – sacrament or ordinance? It’s both; they were interchangeable terms back them.
Timothy George on the Reformers’ Postmodern Movement
The historical theologian says Luther and Calvin show us how to read the Bible for the sake of the church.
In endorsing Noll's book, I said that the Reformation is over only to the extent that it has succeeded. And it has succeeded in bringing change to both sides of that 16th-century divide. Back in the 16th century, the two sides shared in common the written Word of God. They had different interpretive patterns. We shouldn't minimize that. But in that pre-critical world, what they shared, often as unspoken assumptions, was far greater than the issues that divided them