Who’s Afraid of the Means of Grace?
No Fear! 2kers are confident (though doubts afflict us all) that God’s word will abide.
The 2kers I know are not afraid of engaging the culture. We do so daily in the variety of callings God has granted. The fears that lurk around 2k are those of its critics who seem to be afraid that the kingdom will not come without the culture wars or the redemption of “all things.”... Continue Reading
Disclose or Be Exposed
Confession is more important than consequences
People who disclose sin, especially when they probably would not be caught, are inspiring because the Spirit is obvious in them. They are motivated by the Lord more than the praise and opinions of people, and that is a sight to behold. But we have to do more than admire the work of Christ in them—they will need help.
Baptists are More Reformed than Presbyterians!? The Further Reformed
Forgive me, if I don’t recognize the azalea-camellia as a camellia.
“But with the third wave the error of infant baptism was exposed. Now the Particular Baptists, self-consciously as part of this progress, were pressing those Reformation principles more fully into further areas of faith and life. Not least the doctrine of the church, especially with regard to its very nature its role and purpose on earth”
What Our Marriage Rites May Say About Us
A world in which couples cannot completely shed the notion that there is something sacred going on
There was not a single Baptist, northern or Southern. Certainly, no African American or Pentecostal picture and write-up could suggest to the scholar centuries from now that nationally the members in this last group were huge presences not unrepresented in greater New York but nowhere that week in the Times.
Grace With Skin On It
Grace doesn’t make us perfect. It does one better. It relieves us of the need to be.
If we’re honest with ourselves, we really don’t want God’s grace. Maybe a more accurate way of putting it is that we don’t want to have to need it…In a sense, we buy into the lie that says we never needed God’s grace until we blew it! Kind of like my saying that until I got Vitiligo my skin was perfect. Like I never had a zit!
Three Things the Blood of Jesus Does that Religion Cannot
In religion you do good works to be accepted by God; in the gospel you do good works because you are accepted by God.
Religious ritual cannot take away sin. The Jewish people made a tragic mistake. They took the symbols of sacrifice and started to treat them like they were the real thing, like adherence to religious ritual could actually take away sin. People do that today when they think that certain religious rituals (like taking communion, regular church attendance, tithing, or saying a ‘Hail Mary’) can take away their sin
Should Christians Refuse to Pay Taxes When They Are Used to Finance Abortions?
Not paying taxes rarely ends up comfortably for those who won’t pay.
[W]e are not to try to guess the result of our behavior. We are supposed to do what God commands. We are not responsible for the results of what we do. We are responsible to obey whatsoever God commands. We are called not to success, but to obedience.
Where Have All the Spiritual Gifts Gone?
A defense of Cessationism
Notice that in the current debate about spiritual gifts many in the charismatic movement (but probably not most Pentecostals) agree that apostles - in the sense of those who are "first" among the gifts given to the Church, like the 12 and Paul - are not present in the Church today. In that respect, at least, whether or not they care to think of themselves as such, the large majority of today's charismatics are in fact "cessationists."
A Case for Continuing Monoethnic Minority Fellowships
"Any monoethnic church in a multiethnic neighborhood is sinful."
Ethnic specific churches historically have served as a place of cultural cultivation and identity affirmation. It is in the black church that I first learned God made me black on purpose and that I can be proud of how God made me. Who I am as a person was forged within the confines of an ethnic specific congregation
Focusing on Wholeness – God’s Plan for Human Sexuality
When Christians speak of human sexuality, it really should be inspiring!
Chuck Colson often said that Christians cannot impose their views on anyone. Instead, we propose. That applies to human sexuality. Our job is to hold out to a hurting world a better way to live, a way that points to love and human flourishing, to human wholeness.