Why the Filioque controversy still matters
Especially to believing, confessing Presbyterians!
So we see that the Filioque has been debated and considered by various Western factions of the Church for centuries, but it has never been approved for general use by any Ecumenical body or conference.
Eternity Amnesia and Its Effect on Ministry
We are in trouble when we fail to recognize that future grace carries with it the promise of present grace.
Have you forgotten who you are, where you now live, and the destination that is yours by grace? Could it be that there are times when you live and minister as if there is no such thing as forever? Since God's grace guarantees your final destination, it also must guarantee you all the grace you need along the way.
Christian Movie Critic: Aurora Massacre Is Simply ‘Evil’ at Work
It is the fact that people are stewing in the juice of their own wickedness
If you ban the fruit of the Spirit of Jesus Christ from society, including the education system, you’re not banning God; you’re banning goodness, justice, truth, peace, kindness, joy, gentleness, self-control, and love.
What’s on your menu?
Attempting to be a church that pleases everyone is not only impossible. It is antithetical to the gospel.
Healthy congregations recognize that attempting to be a church that pleases everyone is not only impossible, it is antithetical to the gospel of Christ. Jesus began his ministry in the rugged wilderness doing battle with multiple temptations to veer off the agenda God had placed before him. Resisting the lure of temporal and public success, he chose the narrow path of obedience and faithfulness.
Three Lessons from the Decline of Mainstream Protestantism
What are evangelicals to make of the developments from the mainline denominations?
While the intention may be worthy, the results are likely to be disastrous: a social Gospel that is all social and no Gospel; a church which has nothing to say that secular elites have not already said, and usually said better; a horizontal faith with a penchant for the instantaneous and the disconnected but with... Continue Reading
Baur vs. Bauer: Is the New Testament Really Filled with Contradictory Theologies?
Two criticisms of the New Testament that have been used for years that upon closer examination prove to be largely incompatible with one another
There is another explanation for the canon’s theological unity that does not entail appeals to early church conspiracies, namely that these books all have the same ultimate, divine author. But, it is unlikely that modern enlightenment scholarship will ever let that idea on the table. Perhaps no book in the history of the world has... Continue Reading
Gay Is Not the New Black
There has always been, and, by necessity, will always be discrimination in marriage laws.
Perhaps the most damning aspect of the civil rights argument is logical unsustainability. If sexual orientation/identity is the basis for (1) classification as a minority group, and (2) legal grounds for the redefinition of marriage, then what's to stop the "bisexual" from fighting for the ability to marry a man and a woman simultaneously since his "orientation" is, by definition, directed toward both sexes? What about the member of NAMBLA whose orientation is toward young boys? Where do we stop, and on what basis?
Evangelical scientists debate evolution online with Southern Baptist seminary professors
“[T]here was never a time when the human population from which all modern humans descended was as small as two individuals.”
Southern Baptist Seminary President Albert Mohler, a young-earth creationist, has called the attempt to reconcile evangelicals to evolution a “direct attack upon biblical authority.”
The Currency of Conviction in America: It’s victimization or nothing at all
There is no higher moral high ground in America.
Think of almost any issue: if you can find a victim, you can make a case. If not, you’ll likely end up the victimizer. So Christians can get quick traction in society by opposing sex trafficking. The oppression is obvious; the sin is scandalous. But we get little traction in opposing premarital sex and great pushback in opposing homosexual behavior.
The privilege of having children is also a lifetime stewardship
How thankful I am that Sunday after Sunday large numbers of our children are brought down to the front for the children’s sermon by their fathers—I hope that sight strikes visitors as the unusual and gospel-driven reality it is!