True Faith Looks Away from Self
True faith does not look into self, it looks out and away to the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the focus of faith
True faith is “essentially extraspective” which highlights its primary movement. It does not look into self, it is not principally “introspective,” it looks out and away to the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the focus of faith. Who he is and what he has done is where faith casts its anchor for the soul. “Faith”... Continue Reading
Is women’s modesty the new legalism among Christians?
Men don’t lust after women in burqas (or do they?).
Often lost in all of this is that when the New Testament talks about modesty it is always concerned about women who put too much emphasis on their clothing, jewelry, and hair, forgetting that what it means to be a Christian woman is about godly actions that stem from the heart, not about what one wears. If anything, Paul’s writings show that he was concerned about wealthy women drawing too much attention to themselves through their physical adornment.
Self Denial and Evangelical Parenting
Are we living routine patterns of self-indulgence to which evangelical Americans have become accustomed?
Why would our kids listen to us telling them to pursue purity and godly restraint when we are giving in to shopping addictions, gluttony, love of money, love of pleasure, and other self-indulgent behaviors? We live with an entitlement attitude, bending Scripture’s commands to holiness when they are too uncomfortable or costly. Why are we surprised when our kids sleep around?
When Breast Cancer Leaves You Grasping for Words
As a religion professor, I can talk about the big questions of life. Until now.
How, then, do you have cancer? And how do you talk about it?
Dangerous Meditations
What harm is there in achieving a higher state of consciousness through meditation?
No amount of chanting, breathing, visualizing, or physical contortions will melt away the sin that separates us from the Lord of the cosmos—however "peaceful" these practices may feel. Moreover, Paul warns that "Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light" (2 Cor. 11:14). "Pleasant" experiences may be portals to peril. Even yoga teachers warn that yoga may open one up to spiritual and physical maladies.
Christian Reconstruction Strikes Back?
"Biblical Economics," Classical Christian Schools, Masculinity, Complementarianism, Family, etc.
"Christian Reconstructionists must not continue to produce materials that are mainly suitable only for upper division college students or even graduate school students. We have to begin to produce materials that are suitable for college students. We must recruit and train the next generation. What I am calling for, therefore, is a new program of recruiting." --G. North
Our Civic High Priest
Polls consistently report that Americans want their presidents to have a strong faith in God
Most Americans find religious rhetoric to be inspiring, reassuring and soothing in such situations and appreciate a president’s evoking of God’s aid, calls for prayer and thanksgiving to the divine in times of war, natural disasters, terrorist attacks and other tragedies
5 Myths about Reformed Theology
Calvinists can be pains in the neck. I should know—I’ve been one myself on occasion.
The leading theologians of the Reformation were often pastors who also wrote devotional guides, hymns, prayers, and catechisms. They were also often scientists, artists, poets, and linguists, who also founded orphanages and poor houses on the side. When Calvinists founded the early Ivy League colleges in America, they did not imagine that they might have to make a choice between the Bible and classical pagan literature or between theology and science or between piety and the arts. In their view, it was all of one piece
The Filioque Cause: Why the West Is West and the East Is East
A look at the social theory that the filioque produced, and the social practice that followed from it
If the Spirit proceeds from both the Father and the Son, the Spirit is not only representing a Spirit, but God in flesh. And if the Spirit is representing the God-man Jesus, the Intercessor between God and man, then by necessity the central place in our theology is not an incomprehensible deity whom it takes... Continue Reading
Why Is Love So Stupid?
During my first premarital counseling I awoke to the stupidity of love
What should we do when a loved one is overwhelmed by that chemical-combustion-mistaken-as-love? Here is one answer: I don’t know. I have yet to find anything that neutralizes it. Tackle the victims, tie them down, bring in a hundred witnesses to scream at and berate them, send them to boarding school—these are all fine ideas.... Continue Reading