Ahh, Ted, that would be the great leaders themselves, so it would…
With the death of John Stott and the retirement of Billy Graham, what hope is there for a united evangelicalism?
I see the desire for a great leader to unite Christians as irrelevant, an imposition of Carlylean or celebrity culture thinking on the Bible. The New Testament knows of no such thing. When facing the end of the time of the apostles, Paul does not tell Timothy to look for the dynamic individual to whom all can look for leadership; rather, he tells him to appoint ordinary, respectable, competent members of the church community as overseers.
Blogging Prophets
I am convinced that if Elijah were alive today, he would have a blog
Unfortunately, instead of encouraging people to speak their thoughts, feelings, and opinions, we have discouraged people from speaking at all. We have encouraged “civil”–that is, noncontroversial–, conversations full of platitudes and qualifiers, devoid of feeling or passion, offending no one but saying nothing. We have squelched robust conversation for fear of offense or error, resulting in the suppression of both error and the truth.
It’s All About Tolerance
What, precisely, do we mean by tolerance?
In other words, I can hold to the value that other people have a right to their beliefs, without believing that all points of view are equally valid. Or be compelled to uphold the pursuit of such beliefs.
North Korea Lite
Thoughts on the Olympics’ opening ceremony
A specter now haunts the London Olympics: that of public indifference, bought at the cost of billions that future generations will struggle to repay.
Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day: A bold mistake
The event also sends a message of separatism and territorialism
I do not question the motives of Mike Huckabee or those thousands joining him, but what about the wider effects? How is the Kingdom of God served by this? Is Jesus represented well to the gay community and the politicians pandering to them?
Is Chick-fil-a Day a “bold mistake”?
I don’t think that means that everyone needs to stay home from Chick-fil-a today.
The apostle Paul writes, “If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men” (Rom 12:18). This means we should not relish division between Christians and their opponents. We should avoid putting any obstacle in the way of their hearing the gospel.
Modesty: Legalism, Antinomianism, or Obedience?
A continuing discussion on the boundaries of modesty
If we’re motivated to modesty by a concern for God’s glory, our witness, and love for the souls of our fellow men, we’ll wear clothes that free us to live out kingdom lives in a fallen world. Fear of legalism is just as big an issue as fear of antinomianism – both are antithetical to... Continue Reading
The Cure, the Weapon, and the Only Hope
The Church faces the same issues today as in the past; the solutions are in God’s Word
The solution to the Church’s woes isn’t that complex; we are experiencing symptoms of the same disease. We have ceased to trust. We have questioned God’s self-revelation in the Holy Scriptures. We fail to realize that the “solution” to every “issue” is to hold fast to the gospel that was first preached to us. The... Continue Reading
The Confessions Matter (or Maybe They Don’t)
The history of the Presbyterian Church (USA) has been a confessional one; its the future will not be
The history of the Presbyterian Church (USA) has been a confessional one. Based on the action of the commissioners of the 220th GA, the future will not be. Just as the body cannot survive long severed from its head, it is impossible for a denomination to bear a unified witness having cut itself loose from... Continue Reading
Getting Jefferson Right
Fact checking claims about Thomas Jefferson
Although this Q&A may seem controversial in that many of our readers have followed David Barton’s work, such as “The Jefferson Lies: Exposing the Myths You’ve Always Believed About Thomas Jefferson,” our professors have carefully researched Jefferson and uncovered historical information that is relevant to the discussion about Mr. Barton’s claims regarding Jefferson. V&V: Why... Continue Reading