Robert Godfrey’s proposal for Reformed unity: does anyone care?
It is not just that the Reformed witness is complicated. It is that broken up into a hundred fragments, it is incomprehensible.
True Christian unity must be able to allow variations of practice and conviction within the breadth of fidelity to the gospel and the authority of Scripture, not because we are willing to compromise the truth, but because each of us is humble enough to recognize that our interpretations, judgments, or practices are not the same thing as the truth itself.
Can You Risk Honesty in Church?
It seems me the church should be a place and a body where doubters and sinners are welcome
A rebellious Christian may come home at last and say to his heavenly Father, “Father I have sinned against heaven and in thy sight,” and be welcomed with embrace and kisses, clothes, shoes, and a ring, and, and have a party thrown by a Father who had compassion before the son ever got close enough to say a word. But what could what would happen to him at church? I wonder if it might take awhile to earn the robe, shoes, ring, and party
You Don’t Have To Sin (Even When It Feels Like You Will Explode If You Don’t)
To count ourselves dead to sin means we don’t have to obey its desires.
Remember – our feelings aren’t necessarily the truth. We don’t have to obey them. Jesus has broken the enslaving power of our old sin nature. And the Holy Spirit empowers us to obey God’s commands.
When God Pulls the Rug Out
“Why, O Lord?” is a recurring question in Scripture
Some problems are universal, but this one is for those who are spiritually mature. It happens to people who are earnestly seeking God, and only the mature do such things. And though anger toward God might flash occasionally, it isn’t the real issue. The real problem is that you feel you no longer know him
Does Jubilee Involve Redistribution of Wealth?
Jubilee keeps land and wealth in exactly the same place they started.
There was no redistribution of permanently owned houses in the cities. There was no redistribution of wealth gained through leasing land. The profit from bountiful harvests remained in the hands of the leaser. Only land in the country was returned to its original owners
Christian Values Cannot Save Anyone
Far too many church folk fail to recognize that their own religion is only cultural Christianity — not the genuine Christian faith
Declarations of adolescent unbelief often are exactly what Hax argues they are not: rejections of “church or family or tradition or virtue.” Hax does offer some legitimate insights, suggesting that honesty is to be preferred to dishonesty and that such adolescent statements are often indications of a phase of intellectual questioning or just trying on a personality for style.
Keeping It Real: The Truth about Authenticity
Do we Christians even understand what the buzzword means?
I have a friend who wants me to be authentic. She wants to know about my arguments with my husband, the sin of my children, and what I dislike about church. For her, authenticity seems to involve not only removing my own mask but exposing the sins of others, too. This is unkind. Everything that is done in the name of authenticity must also be done in the name of a holy Christ
Guys, It Matters Whom You Marry, Too
If the girl is not a believer, drop her now. You have no right to yoke yourself with someone who is not a believer
So how will your girlfriend do after the vows? Because this is just a sampling of the ways that a wife can bless or curse her husband. The effects are far reaching, long lasting, and either wonderful or difficult. Of course, there is no perfect woman. But there are amazing ones. And it’s better to be single for life than to marry someone who will make your life a burden
How To Think About The Embassy Violence
Will peoples who believe in free speech and freedom of religion sacrifice both when faced with the angry shouts and gunfire of those who don’t?
“Well, who can blame them when their prophet or holy book is desecrated.” But we can still blame them, and we ought to. Jesus is mocked in a thousand public ways every day in this country (and in most countries). This is wrong and deeply offensive to Christians. But it gives us no right to riot and threaten and murder.
God, Democrats, and the Europeanization of America
A battle regarding the source of the rights of citizens in the state
In the summer of 2003, Pope John Paul II devoted a series of Sunday Angelus addresses to this political issue that transcended politics. He made arguments akin to those made by the American Founding Father: It is crucial for citizens living under a constitution to understand the ultimate source from which their rights derive. Their... Continue Reading