Does the Christian tradition agree that property rights trump the rights of the poor?
I do take issue with arguments that suggest people have absolute property rights that the government cannot infringe upon
Christian political theology has always denied the existence of absolute property rights, and indeed, has questioned whether property rights are grounded in natural law at all. The tradition is marked by a virtually unanimous consensus that individuals and social organizations are to use their excess possessions subject to the primary claim of the needy as a matter of justice.
The Hazard and Joy of Picking Favorites (Bible Verses and Passages)
The Bible's most important sentence, most important paragraph, and most important chapter.
“Isn’t it all the Word of God, fully inspired and beneficial?” “Well, yes—I believe that with all my heart,” I said. But this is not to say that all parts of the Bible have equal weight. Does not Scripture speak about “the weightier matters of the law?” Did not Jesus speak of the “great commandments?” And is there not a new and better covenant?
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
Church shopping violates the integrity of the church and the meaning of church membership
A church that ordains women as pastors may be orthodox on many other issues, but on this question it sets itself against Scripture. In so many churches and denominations, this obstinate refusal to be corrected by Scripture presents faithful believers with a hard choice — but remaining in a church that obstinately refuses correction is not an option. Efforts at “renewal” in many of these churches have been consistently rejected. At some point, the refusal to separate becomes complicity in the heresy.
The Rt. Rev. Rants Again (Surprise!)
More rants from a (self?) righteous minister
I tend to favor the interests of the nation we know today as Israel. But I do so for reasons having nothing to do with the idea that the modern state of Israel is the successor of the ancient covenant nation. The Man and the Money. In my opinion (which I am sure is... Continue Reading
Religion and the Election of 2012
The role that religious issues play in presidential contests, including the election of 2012
Most evangelicals view Mormonism as an alternative religion rather than a Christian denomination. They have more in common theologically with Obama, who claims to accept many of the doctrines they affirm. Moreover, much more frequently than Romney, Obama has used biblical teaching to support his policies, especially in aiding the poor. However, many evangelicals are... Continue Reading
Thoughts Concerning the Influence of the Anglican Tradition on Contemporary Reformed Liturgical Practice
Is there an influence of the Anglican Tradition on contemporary Reformed practice?
Many new church plants in the PCA have adopted a worship “style” that incorporates many of the elements from the Anglican Tradition in their liturgy. Even though they may still sing “praise choruses,” hymns and Psalms seem to be making a “come back,” even if they are set to modern sounding tunes performed on instruments... Continue Reading
“He Desires a Noble Task” The Erosion of the Evangelical Pastorate
"We have more seminaries and fewer students." -- D. Sweeting
After growing up in a diluted, trivializing youth ministry, the excitement of awakening to the life of mind in college makes lots of people want to stay forever (see the huge glut of underemployed Christianity-related PhDs, perhaps even worse than the secular glut.) The evangelical church has a problem. We’re going to run out of... Continue Reading
Penetrating the Darkness
For if Christianity is true, then it would mean that the knowledge of God isn’t discursive; it would be…inescapable knowledge.
It seems to me that if there’s actually truth out there, that if God is to be known, then this truth is going to have be able to break through two profound barriers. And what are they? 1) The barrier of man’s ignorance. 2) The barrier of man’s spiritual obstinacy.
Pleased to meet you. Hope you guessed my name
In a couple of years…maintaining biblical sexual ethics will be the equivalent in our culture of being a white supremacist
Indeed, I have to say that I have never been subject to such evident and oppressive neophiliac normaphobia in all my life. The sooner normaphobes are categorised as hate criminals, the better it will be for those of us who belong to the despised minority of the once but clearly no longer normal.
Friendship, Naturally….Or, Kuyper’s Napkin Ring
The church is supposedly a supernatural community. Why are we so often held captive to what we do naturally?
The church is often said to look just like the world in terms of morality, which is sad enough. I think it's even sadder though, when the church looks just like the world in lack of empathy --when we allow ourselves the luxury of selfishness with time and energy