Is “Living the Gospel” an Acceptable Term?
How does Scripture itself use the word “gospel”
The term “living the gospel” has become a popular one in the past few years, being used by people such as Tim Keller, J.D. Greear, David Platt, and many others. Many variations on the term exist: “living out the gospel,” “living in light of the gospel,” “being the gospel,” and so on. While most people probably hear the terms and skip right past them without a second thought, there are others who have repeatedly and loudly declared opposition to all such uses of the term.
Can Breadwinner Wives Be Happy?
That's the central question of Sandra Tsing Loh's latest Atlantic essay. As a stay-at-home wife, I have a few suggestions.
In many ways, Sandra Tsing Loh and I couldn’t be more different. The Atlantic writer is feminist, liberal, foul-mouthed, and cosmopolitan. At 50 years old, she has a successful career and a boyfriend. I, on the other hand, am not too many steps removed from what my college friend called “a prairie muffin.” You know, the stay-at-home Christian mom who bakes whole wheat goodies while wearing a modest denim dress.
Paul’s Rebuke of Red-Letter Christians
Why does Paul list the “I am of Christ” faction alongside all the others factions in 1 Cor 1?
At the end of the day, we do not have access to an unmediated Jesus. Jesus didn’t write a single New Testament book. We know Jesus because of the apostolic word handed down to us in the scriptures. Thus, to play Jesus off against his appointed spokesmen is a contest that neither Jesus nor the... Continue Reading
If You Think You’ve Arrived……
What are the lifestyle tendencies of a pastor ministering from a position of arrival?
Let's be honest. There are too many power struggles in the local church. Gospel ministry easily becomes politicized. Pride causes you to hunger for power (even though you may not know it). The hunger for power causes you to collect ministry allies, and the desire for control causes you to locate ministry enemies. Somehow, some way, gospel ministry has become a political battleground for human power.
Can a president really fix America?
Christians, progressive and conservative alike, may be expecting more from politics than politics can deliver
Our politicians and laws reflect the morality of America's citizenry. Does it not, then, seem more effective for social change for pastors to admonish Christians to focus on pointing their neighbors to Christ? The social change that Christians truly want in America will come when we, the people, desire to live according to our Creator's design.
What’s In a Metaphor? Cultural Conflict and 2K Again
Continuing the debate and refining the terms on cultural engagement
One of my longstanding concerns has been the need for an approach to political pluralism in which people of faith are welcome to bring their convictions about morality, human dignity, and the nature of a just society to relevant discussions in the public square, to make their arguments in a publicly accessible way, and to... Continue Reading
Farewell to the American Protestant Majority
The survey says we have a 48 percent plurality of Protestants; is this a cause for concern?
We should be more concerned about the loss of a Christian majority in the Protestant churches than about the loss of a Protestant majority in the United States. Most of the old-line Protestant denominations are captive to every theological fad that has blown through their divinity schools in the past thirty years-from crypto-Marxist liberation ideologies... Continue Reading
Two Rival Religions? Christianity and Post-Christianity
Machen was right then, and he is right now. The real struggle is between Christianity and Post-Christianity.
The priests and priestesses of secular liberalism constitute its “sacerdotal elite” and tend to be intellectuals who can present liberal values in the public square. Congregations where secular liberals gather include organizations such as Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, the National Organization of Women, and similar bodies. These groups “help supply a sense of affiliation and commonality for the religiously liberal.”
The Culture’s the Thing!
Paul himself makes clear, the gospel - the true gospel - can be peddled for power and for profit
It is, after all, easy to prostitute yourself to the prosperity gospel when your own prophecies of material wealth are effectively underwritten by the desperate dreams of the poor and destitute which you yourself have helped to create and upon which you prey with a depraved and insatiable hunger.
Liberty Hill
In church, remember that it's Sunday, but Tuesday's coming
Apart from Christ, we use our liberty to do all those things, and government grows. Each fatherless child: more social workers and welfare payments. Each theft: more police. And so on. The most important step pastors can take to shrink the size of government is not to give political sermons but to preach Christ crucified and risen.