On Getting the Puritans (and our contemporaries) Right
I expect that the book will be a celebration of the Puritans that is long on primary-source detail but a bit short on genuinely critical historical and contextual analysis.
If I am reading the current situation correctly, we often seem to be living in the past, trying to recapture the halcyon days of Calvin’s Geneva, or the Puritans, or the continental Reformed scholastics, or the Dutch Second Reformation, or the southern Presbyterians, or the Afscheiding, or whatever. Here the temptation to hagiography that avoids critical treatments or pesky discussions of historical development is great.
The Great Clarification: Fuzzy Fidelity and the Rise of the Nones
The Pew report reveals an increasing number of Americans who identify with no church or religious commitment
In a Gospel perspective, this is a healthy development. It is good that non-believers know that they are, in fact, not believers. Cultural Christianity is not Christianity, and no one will find salvation through merely identifying as Christian. The disappearance of cultural Christianity will weaken the culture, but it should strengthen the church. The church, after all, had better know the difference between authentic Christian faith and “fuzzy fidelity.”
Seven Cautions for Eager Polemicists
Where would the church be today if Athanasius, Augustine, and Luther eschewed polemics?
A little dignified respect is in order, for the sake of God’s image if for nothing else. And most crucially, as we look at the fine print of some present controversy may our eyes not become so squint that we can no longer behold the wonders of being God’s children and the beauties of God’s world.
Dear Moms, Jesus Wants You To Chill Out
Don’t try to be something God hasn’t called you to be. If the mom blogs are making you feel guilty, stop reading them.
Just to be clear, this is not a post against “mom blogs”, or whatever they’re called. If you write a mom blog, that’s cool with me. This is a post to encourage the moms who tend to freak out and feel like complete failures when they read the mom blogs and mom Facebook posts.
Facts, Feelings, and Plain Stats
Believers have both an emotional relationship with one another as well as an objective relationship
It is often said by commentators you are the back of your baseball card. That is, you are defined by facts. The same is true of the Child of God. They are what they are according to God’s Word and not how they feel about themselves at any given moment. I realized the other... Continue Reading
The Case of the Curious Contradictory Christian
“How can I be expected to ‘love my church’ when ‘these things are happening/going wrong/failing badly? ”
Love is not driven by what we like or don’t like about the church (Jesus’ love wasn’t, was it?). Christian love is minimum sentiment, maximum commitment, isn’t it? (See 1 Corinthians 13!) Have you drifted from the basic Jesus-like life-style involved in loving the church? I would not be the first minister to be concerned about that (whoever wrote Hebrews knew all about this—see Hebrews 10:24-25).
Shut up and play nice: How the Western world is limiting free speech
It appears that the one thing modern society can no longer tolerate is intolerance.
In the United States, where speech is given the most protection among Western countries, there has been a recent effort to carve out a potentially large category to which the First Amendment would not apply. While we have always prosecuted people who lie to achieve financial or other benefits, some argue that the government can outlaw any lie, regardless of whether the liar secured any economic gain.
Toward a Theology of Church Unity
Ephesians 4:1-16 is the classic text on church unity (along with John 17) and the most practical for day to day church life
What is the role for denominations? What is the role for broad parachurch ministries or organizations? How should we understand confessional identity? If we are to have unity in essentials, what are those essentials? Where should Christians agree to disagree? Where should churches agree to disagree? What are the right doctrinal boundaries for churches, for denominations, for movements, for institutions, for friends?
The Surprising Truth about Mental Illness
Royce White is one of the NBA's hottest rookies. He also has crippling anxiety disorder. What we can learn from him about mental health.
It’s a terrible thing to do to someone: to suggest that hope for abundant life in Christ goes only so far, and they’re permanently on the other side of the fence. Many people with mental illness may not seamlessly fit into church life the way most of us experience it on Sunday morning. But let’s be honest—how many of us really do?
The Moral Case for Debt
Why borrowing money is crucial to pursuing the common good
Human flourishing is a fundamental component of the plan of God. As a result, using economic and business tools, including, yes, borrowing money, to pursue such flourishing is consistent with the themes of Christian service. It is in this light that the recourse to debt must be examined. So the question of taking on debt becomes different. It is not a case of what you are borrowing, but for what are you borrowing.