Women in the Workplace: “Simply Supplementing”
There is an underlying current in some circles that has an overly romantic view of how things used to be.
How exactly should businesses go about determining if woman is working to “simply supplement” her husband’s income or working because without her income there wouldn’t be food on the table or a roof over their heads or clothes on their backs?
In Praise of Clerks
Hiring a clerk in place of a secretary makes a lot of sense on many fronts.
The role of clerk also gives men the opportunity for job experience and training in a field in which they could serve more substantially later on. We’ve talked to several young men who say that nobody will hire them because they have no work experience, but they have nowhere to get it. If Christian business owners would take on unemployed men as clerks, they would be providing employment and preparation for future employment.
How to Stay Christian in Seminary
He thinks that somehow his real-life Christianity can kick into gear once his real life starts on the other side of graduation.
Chase the trail of “staying Christian” in seminary long enough, and you’ll realize it’s less about what a special season seminary is and more about what Christianity is in every season of life, in every age of church history, in every place on the planet. Staying Christian in seminary is about staying Christian in general.
The intolerant Universalist
The expression of gospel concern for others is a dangerous thing
Sewell then identifies what she sees as the root ideological sin of conservative evangelical churches. They preach “their theology of singularity,” which is to say, we believe in the exclusivity of Christ as the sole answer for the problem of sin
Of Babies and Beans? A Frightening Denial of Human Dignity
The logic of the Culture of Death is an assault on the dignity and worth of every human being
Our total worldview inevitably “informs us in everything we do.” Paul Ryan was simply responding with honesty, and he did not call for a theocracy. Interestingly, Joseph Biden, though a champion of a woman’s right to choose, has repeatedly claimed the influence of his Roman Catholic faith in other arenas of public policy, especially economics.... Continue Reading
Why Not Voting is Not an Option
God works in politics through the ordinary means of people rolling up their sleeves to work each day in this realm of life
Samuel Rutherford says, “that a republic appoint rulers is not an indifferent, but a moral action, because to set no ruler over themselves I conceive were a breach of the fifth commandment, which commandeth government to be one or other.” His fourth section goes on to argue extensively from Scripture that people, under God, are... Continue Reading
A Cloud the Size of Man’s Hand
The Dinesh D'Souza incident is surely a clarion call for all of us to examine ourselves
As soon as your group, whether it be a conference or a coalition or a college, starts to be influenced in its choice of ‘leader’ or keynote speaker by the chosen one’s ability to command serious media attention or simply fill that stadium, you have Corinthian Christianity and you are heading for disaster. ... Continue Reading
No Apologies Needed
Politics is part of our teaching assignment as Christians
I don’t want my local church to look anything like a political party headquarters. I don’t think my church should typically end up endorsing specific candidates. But with the radical secularization of our culture, it seems increasingly right for our churches—as part of their teaching ministry—to engage in explicit instruction of their people. ... Continue Reading
Princeton and Westminster Seminaries – The Separation
When Christians should work together and when they should divide?
Machen and others wanted ministers who denied certain fundamentals to be kept from ordination. I’m wondering why these ministers disagreed about the fundamentals. The fundamentals hold together logically to support the person and work of Christ, so it is no easy thing (logically) to jettison one or two of them. I’m currently reading a... Continue Reading
Christianity Isn’t dying, Cultural Christianity Is
Talking About the Future of Christianity in USA Today.
Even in the shadow of the decline of cultural and nominal religion, the future of vibrant Christianity in America is all around us. The future of Christianity in America is not extinction but clarification that a devout faith is what will last. Christianity in America isn't dying, cultural Christianity is. I am glad to see it go.