A Calvinist Evangelist?
Is a Calvinist evangelist an oxymoron?
Calvinism is not inconsistent with evangelism; it is only inconsistent with certain evangelistic methods. It is inconsistent, for example, with the emotionally manipulative methods created by revivalists such as Charles Finney. But these manipulative methods are themselves inconsistent with Scripture, so it is no fault to reject them. In order for evangelism to be pleasing... Continue Reading
Smilingly Leading You to Hell
It may be good to be nice, but it is so much better to be holy
Is there anyone nicer than Joel Osteen? Yet is there anyone whose message has less of the gospel and more anti-biblical nonsense? You can watch him sitting with Oprah, receiving accolades, nicely, smilingly leading an eager crowd farther and farther from the cross. He is nice, but he, too, will nice you straight to the... Continue Reading
7 Things a Pastor’s Kid Needs from a Father
It gets harder to share time with kids as they get older. So study them as hard as you study your Greek lexicon
One of the graces PKs need is a single moral standard. Too many PKs feel the pressure of their fathers' priestly profession in our moral lives. The pastor and elder qualifications in 1 Timothy and Titus feel like a threat: "If you screw up, your father not only looks bad, he will be out of a job." But those standards are the same ones that every Christian should be held to (other than the ability to teach). Nobody else's dad is at risk of being unemployed if his kid is rebellious, but mine is.
The Sin About Which No One Will Speak
Envy is like a fly that passes all the body’s sounder parts, and dwells upon the sores. – Arthur Chapman
Envy is an insidious sin. And yet we don’t preach about it. We don’t warn of it’s dangers. Instead, we let it have its reign in our culture, because it drives our economy. Watch the commercials on prime-time TV. What is at the heart of every single one? Is it not envy? Is it not the lie that “You deserve this new thing. You’ve worked hard. Why shouldn’t you have what others have?”
Was Adam placed in a covenantal relationship with God?
"But like Adam they have transgressed the covenant; There they have dealt treacherously against Me”
In essence, Adam got kicked out of God’s house. Now he’s sinful, is a terrible image of God, a covenant breaker, and no longer the keeper of God’s garden-temple. What will God do now?
God Is Laughing Especially Hard Today
Whether Romney of Obama wins, both of them are ultimately controlled like a watercourse.
Aaaah, election day. You can almost taste the fear and money in the air. Political signs are lined up six deep along the road, and the Facebook posts are flying fast and furious. Over the past months politicians have spent billions of dollars on ads that go something like this:
A Prayer for America on Election Day
May God grant us mercy and grace as we seek to fulfill our responsibilities as citizens — and our responsibilities as Christians. This world is not our home, but we do bear responsibilities as followers of Christ as we are living here. May God bless America, not because this nation deserves to be blessed, but because He is a God of grace and mercy. Oh God . . . save us from ourselves.
Baptists and the Reformation: Baptists are Protestants!
We are third generation Protestants who in many ways represent an attempt to reform the Reformation
Baptists are Protestants. I know there are some Baptists out there who don’t believe we are Protestants, but their rejection of this truth betrays a bapto-centric bias and ignores history. It is one of those beliefs that my colleague Keith Harper calls “history as apologetics”–using (or misusing) history (or alleged history) to make a theological point.
Why Paedobaptism leads to Presbyterianism! (or at least should!)
Paedobaptism leads to an emphasis on a broader community of believers beyond the individual
If my identity is focused first on my individual profession of faith then I am always checking others have that same profession which will lead to separation where we conclude not. If my identity is focused first on the community my concern will be building that community rather than seeking complete uniformity within the members.
Contentment is Learned
Learning contentment is hard work, and I am a reluctant student
After years of faithful ministry, I don't see the results I expect. I am discontent. I have a house large enough to host a church dinner, a reliable car that can bring women to the retreat and Christian friends who show love to me. I am still discontent