Tipping Point?
Voters’ core beliefs have shifted massively—and political efforts won’t shift them back
“What can I do over the next several years to change the worldview of a few people around me? How can I influence a few ‘takers’ I know to become ‘makers’ and ‘enablers’? How can I persuade them to be ‘wagon pullers’ instead of ‘wagon riders’?”
‘He’s Just Not a Spiritual Leader,’ and Other Christian Dating Myths
I've seen otherwise strong couples fall apart because the woman held an unfair spiritual standard for the man.
I started wondering about all the godly men who may have other spiritual gifts—just not the ones traditionally considered “male” spiritual gifts. For example, what about men who have the gift of mercy or hospitality or service or encouragement, and who are full of the fruits of the Spirit? Do we devalue them simply because they’re not at the helm or out in front but rather operating alongside their partner?
Sex, Truth, and Erasing the Tapes
Our society of course takes the wrong lessons from the Gospel
It is the pastor's job to help his church leadership deal with sexual sin in a loving, healing, restorative, yet morally uncompromising way. If this means a young pregnant woman must come before the Elders, and the young man who sinned as well, and confess and repent, then it must be done. If it means the Elders must pronounce forgiveness to them, it must be done.
Advice for Christians Who are Considering Moving to a New City
Remember, wherever you go, there YOU are. You bring the problems and the discontent with you.
If there are no good churches in an area, DON’T MOVE THERE. Do not kid yourself you can drive and fellowship comfortably at a church 1.5+ hours away; that you’ll just “worship at home;” that you’ll start a church plant or that “things will work out.” This is the equivalent of marrying the unbeliever because you’re sure you can convert him.
What’s the Greatest Ecclesiastical Threat Facing the Church Today?
We are increasingly unchurching the churched.
How many Sundays did they actually spend with the communion of saints in public prayer, public reading of Scripture, public preaching, partaking of the sacraments—did they ever meet with an elder or pastor? If these things are not a part of the normal experiences of young people, they’re not really connected to the church
The 3 Tenses of the Gospel
The moment we drift away from the gospel, we perish.
At every stage—justification, sanctification, glorification— we come with empty hands, seeking mercy from our heavenly Father. Even at the point of our obedience as Christians—we are to “work out [our] salvation with fear and trembling”
Gay Marriage and the Future
Legal gay marriage in all 50 states is inevitable at this point
As a Christian and as a pastor, I will never retreat on the issue of marriage. It’s just too important. I will continue to teach and preach what the scripture says on whatever platform the Lord allows me to stand on.
The God of Peace
As a culture we’ve lost sight of the depths and seriousness of our sin.
The peace that Paul refers to is the peace of “God and sinners reconciled.” What joyful news this is! As the country preacher once said, “God ain’t mad no more!”
Changing standards?
In our anything goes culture, what are the rules for public officials?
If the secretary of agriculture, say, is engaged in an adulterous relationship, would that be a lesser offense than adultery by the CIA director, or the secretary of defense? Should one stay in office and the others resign? What would Carrie Bradshaw advise?
Questioning Christian Reconstructionism (Dominionism)
And Defending the Way of the Cross
America is by no means the kingdom of God (who ever said it would be, except perhaps the Reconstructionists or other social gospelers) but I would not want to live in any other place or time. God has blessed us immeasurably and it is by no means evident to me that America is in decline. With that in view I’ll take Paul’s approach to civil government as a model rather than Caleb and Joshua’s attitude toward the Canaanites.