The Film 1946 Is Wrong
No, the belief that homosexual behavior is sinful is not due to a translation error.
The film contends that even though the second edition of the RSV dropped the word “homosexual,” the damage had already been done. Other English versions like the NIV, NASB, and the Living Bible followed the original RSV. This is the part where the film makes a wild jump. It presents the argument that because Billy... Continue Reading
Wild in the Streets – When Dystopian Comedy Mirrors Reality
Rebellion of many types is in the air.
It is odd but in light of where much of Western culture is today, Wild in the Streets seems almost prophetic. For example, at the age of fifteen, Swedish-born Greta Thunberg took her largely ignorant but passionate narrative concerning “climate change” into politics, attempting to sway the Swedish elections. A year later, she publicly scolded world leaders in her 2019... Continue Reading
Laboring for Christ in Obscurity: Reflections on “The Alpinist”
If you could only accomplish great things for the glory of God but no one but you and God would know, would you still put in all the work necessary to accomplish those things?
At one point in the documentary, Marc-Andre looks up at this massive mountain covered with snow and says, “One of the coolest feelings that a human can experience is to feel so small in a world that’s so big.” When we seek glory for ourselves it crushes our ability to wonder and marvel because we... Continue Reading
Lessons from “One Life”
We can all learn much from this film.
As I say, believers can sometimes wonder what sort of life they are living. The truth is, for most of us, the full and final revelation of what good we may have done and what lives we may have impacted or even helped save (spiritually speaking) will have to wait for the next world. Who... Continue Reading
A Pastor’s Review of “The Prince of Egypt”
Instead of exalting the sovereignty of God, the film resorts to liberation theology, the idea that all of this is happening to liberate the oppressed.
We often think of the Exodus story like we think of a western. Pharaoh is the bad guy in the black hat. Even many of the Egyptians suffer as a result of his badness (which the film does show). The Israelites are the oppressed good guys. Then Moses comes riding into Egypt wearing a white... Continue Reading
Cessationist: The Film
The stakes are high, which means we do well to deepen our understanding and sharpen our convictions.
Does ‘Cessationist’ offer a valid defense of its position? While admitting that I am by no means unbiased, I believe it does. Before it offers any substantial critique, it explains why there is solid evidence within Scripture that God meant for the extraordinary gifts of the Spirit to operate for a time, but then to... Continue Reading
Pro-Gay Theology, the Film 1946, and the Multiverse
The film 1946 claims the translation team of the 1946 RSV Bible wrongly translated the Greek word arsenokoitai as “homosexuals” in the Bible (specifically, in 1 Cor. 6:9 and 1 Tim. 1:10).
Even if the Pro-Gay Theology Avengers were to succeed in traveling back in time to prevent the word “homosexuals” from entering the Bible, it wouldn’t change the Bible’s teaching on marriage, homosexuality, and sexual ethics. Scripture would still tell us that Jesus’ design for marriage requires a man and a woman for the creation of... Continue Reading
The Must-See 12-Minute Documentary on the Transgender Movement
According to Rufo, the transgender movement is inherently political. It uses “the construction of personal identity to advance a collective political vision”.
Transgenderism and Marxism are closely intertwined. Rufo highlights the work of Rosa Lee who saw trans people as “the new vanguard of the proletariat” who will help “abolish heteronormativity in the same way that orthodox Marxism promised to abolish capitalism”. In short, argues Rufo, “All of society must be reorganised to affirm their identities and more... Continue Reading
The Sound of True Freedom
Great movies are rare, and "Sound of Freedom" is a rare, great movie.
The real problem reflected in this movie—and in this fallen world—is the pure evil lodged deep in the human heart. The root of evil that is in the heart of the worst sex trafficker is in our hearts as well. I’m a movie freak—always have been. Even when I was a committed-to-Christ teenager attending... Continue Reading
Barbie’s Sparkling Pink Gnosticism
Movie tells women to do everything except what their bodies are created to do
Gerwig’s task as Barbie’s director was to create a movie that celebrated the doll while also acknowledging her controversial status in American culture. But if Barbie is a symbol of unattainable beauty standards, the Barbie movie is a symbol of incoherent feminist standards. Where earlier waves of feminism sought for women’s equal participation in democracy and the marketplace as women,... Continue Reading
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